Example sentences of "[v-ing] that she [vb past] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Personally , I think it was a merciful release both for my aunt and for my Uncle Félix , seeing that she had been a helpless invalid for so long .
2 Laura blinked , realising that she had been so buried in her own thoughts that she 'd missed what Carole had been saying .
3 Belov chatted easily , although his real talent lay in persuading her to talk without her realising that she 'd been persuaded .
4 Surely he was n't implying that she had been trying out her feminine wiles on Sam ?
5 It was , she said , adding that she had been to over fifty funerals in the UK alone , the funeral of a lifetime .
6 She resisted adding that she had been working overtime on his designs .
7 And in Amabel 's experience it had always been the wife who complained of it , Ethel Lord , for instance , fretting herself into a decline , or very nearly , when her husband had taken to spending so much time in Leeds ; Maria Colclough turning to religion because her man emerged so rarely from his counting house ; even strident Lizzie Braithwaite complaining that she had been neglected for the sake of the business .
8 And Anjelica Huston returned to her own home saying that she had been humiliated for the very last time .
9 ‘ Mama never spoke of her family , insisting that she had been born an orphan , ’ Joan said , still unable to fully comprehend that she was not whom she had thought she was .
10 When she asked him if they had really been as beautiful as angels , he had told her abruptly to look at the portraits , just as now , sensing that she had been hounded out of the house , he had given her something to do , a task to occupy her hands and head .
11 However , there were people there who were ‘ greatly desiring that she had been out of that country ’ , and she bustled off to York , where the Archbishop paid a man five shillings to lead her out of the town .
12 She was embarrassed , realizing that she had been sounding exactly like Nina .
13 But she was not to know that he had had this desire , and went into the house with head bent , feeling that she had been a failure .
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