Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A senior London police officer was attempting to attract black recruits into the police force , whilst denying that racism in the force might have deterred black people from joining in the past : ‘ Racism in the force is not the main reason for black people preferring not to apply .
2 This argument is supported by the report of Spigelmann suggesting that exposure of the foregut to bile may give rise to DNA adducts .
3 Antibody KG53 did not react with the non-toxic cereals , suggesting that part of the dodecapeptide is unique to the toxic cereals .
4 ‘ I keep seeing that thing about the girl and the bird 's head , ’ he said .
5 He had had the fright of his life seeing that woman in the hotel .
6 He smiled and looked down , remembering that moment in the machine when she had glared back at him .
7 Instead , I found myself staring down at her , remembering that moment alongside the Cutty Sark when our eyes had first met .
8 Similar mean blood-pressure levels were recorded in both those receiving insulin and those on diet with or without oral hypoglycaemic agents , demonstrating that hypertension in the diabetic is not particularly severe .
9 It goes without saying that testing of the urine for glucose and ketones should be mandatory for all patients admitted with infarction and this should be continually charted for those found to be diabetic .
10 The Christians in Corinth were confused ; should they withdraw from such a society ; one party in the church seems to have been saying that they must , to avoid being defiled by all the ‘ isms ’ ( paganism , hedonism , animism , polytheism , … ) around them ; the other party was saying that contact with the non-Christian society around them was all right .
11 Another one has taken a quick look and walked away : Motorola Inc chairman George Fisher said the chief executive position at IBM Corp did not interest him : he wrote to employees saying that speculation about the post had been building in the news media and that his name had been mentioned — ‘ though IBM is a fine company , I am not interested in the position ; I plan to stay at Motorola where my work is challenging , exciting and rewarding . ’
12 In response , the USSR Interior and Defence Ministries issued a joint statement on May 4 saying that responsibility for the latest violence lay solely with the Armenian leadership because of its support for paramilitary groups , and threatening to take " all necessary steps " to stop it .
13 CORRECTION The statement attributed to Charles Wilson , editor of The Times , saying that Chancellor of the Exchequer should have let the pound drop lower , was in fact made by Sir David English , editor of the Daily Mail .
14 While Rauschning emphasised reconciliation , understanding and harmony through balanced trade , Forster had been saying that reconciliation with the Poles was impossible and endlessly repeating that a return to the Reich was essential , but was prevented only by the intransigence of the vengeful Poles .
15 Hans Saeger , the HDW submarine sales manager , expressed caution about the deal , saying that approval from the West German government was still being sought .
16 It was about five years later when I was going away for a weekend and knowing that space in the car would be limited , I spent a long time thinking what sketching materials to take which would not need much room .
17 And of course you will have the added pleasure of knowing that part of the ticket price will be going to help students and to keep Bristol as a place of excellence .
18 This finding is consistent with other reports showing that restitution of the damaged mucosa takes place in barbiturate anaesthetised rats .
19 ( The main difference between the two studies is that the American forecasters assume a fairly high level of growth in total employment while the British researchers are more pessimistic , predicting that employment over the 10 years will fall by 3 per cent . )
20 Claiming that natural processes are carried out by ‘ god ’ and then further claiming that evidence of the process is proof of the independent and prior existence of the ‘ god ’ , is an example of the ‘ circular logic ’ that is sometimes advanced as proof , and often can be quite difficult to expose for the fraud that it is .
21 This led Morgan ( 1943 ) to argue that drive must be due to activating a central nervous system mechanism that represents the drive state , much in the same way as Papez was claiming that activation of the cingulate cortex represented emotion .
22 Meanwhile , Europe 's scientists are claiming that observation of the volcano is a dog 's dinner .
23 This would be evidence against the present finding that identification with the housewife role is not differentiated by class .
24 During 1942 other evacuee families started to arrive in Fontanellato , some from Milan and some from other cities , feeling that life in the country was safer .
25 In respect of UK membership of the EC it should be recalled that Article 3(f) of the Treaty of Rome provides for ‘ the institution of a system ensuring that competition in the common market is not distorted ’ .
26 ‘ But I think it highly unlikely that Mr Clowes could have found any means of ensuring that investigation of the matters in question was averted , while at the same time satisfying the Department that his operations could properly be licensed .
27 The Delivery Team will be responsible for ensuring that information about the Compact permeates the whole community through regular newsletters and press releases , as well as through public meetings .
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