Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [pron] had be " in BNC.

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1 The Bishop finished by praying that what had been discussed would become an apostolic thrust of the diocese .
2 Azerbaijan 's Minister of the Interior , Iskender Khamidov , left for Nakhichevan to hold talks over the issue , denying that there had been a conflict .
3 By Nov. 20 Mahdi Mohammed was reported to be massing reinforcements in Warsheik , about 60 km north of Mogadishu , and had placed a satellite telephone call to the British Broadcasting Corporation denying that he had been ousted .
4 My brother , now himself in the RAF , turned up at the door of the Met Office one morning , announcing that he had been posted to Bourn .
5 Gavin Turk , who attracted notice for erecting , as his only contribution to his degree show at the Royal College of Art a year ago , a blue English Heritage plaque announcing that he had been working in his studio for two years , is having a first exhibition at an apartment in Docklands , opposite Canary Wharf ( 1–31 July ; by appointment only , call 071–274 0041 ) .
6 Kahane gave him the one for the previous month , explaining that they had been out in the desert for six weeks .
7 Merrill was drying her hair on Saturday afternoon when Diane from the next flat knocked at the door and held out a letter addressed to Merrill , explaining that it had been included with her junk mail which she had ignored until a moment ago .
8 The defendent appealed , argueing that he had been lead to make his statement by being promised bail , and had been mislead by being falsely told that his companion had confessed ; but the judgment of the court was against him .
9 Sir Richard , in hose and open cambric shirt , wiped dust from his hands , apologising that he had been out with the craftsmen who were putting the finishing touches to their pageant for the young king 's coronation .
10 The Central Committee 's Theses , adopted shortly before the 19th Party Conference in 1988 , contained the first official criticism of Soviet foreign policy in the Brezhnev and Gromyko years , suggesting that there had been too much ‘ dogmatism ’ and ‘ subjectivism ’ at this time and that Soviet policy had lagged behind the important changes that were taking place in world affairs .
11 The judges dismissed suggestions that government scientists had deliberately withheld evidence , suggesting that there had been " material irregularity " which fell short of contributing to a miscarriage of justice .
12 He was dressed in work clothes — tailored dark grey trousers and a cream shirt — but the latter was open at the neck and he wore no tie , suggesting that he had been ready for a relaxing Friday evening drink .
13 Whilst suggesting that he had been keen to run , he explained his decision on the grounds that his obligation to the people of his state came before his personal ambition for the presidency .
14 The official report states that the broken piece of window bar was later found to have adhesive tape wrapped around each end , suggesting that it had been severed beforehand .
15 ‘ Well , he said that he wanted to do something useful with his life , seeing that it had been given back to him when he had n't expected it .
16 Personally , I think it was a merciful release both for my aunt and for my Uncle Félix , seeing that she had been a helpless invalid for so long .
17 The insurers appealed to the Court of Appeal , contending that there had been no appropriation of the property by the buyer but that the owner had transferred the ownership of the property to the buyer , who had obtained a voidable title .
18 Laura blinked , realising that she had been so buried in her own thoughts that she 'd missed what Carole had been saying .
19 The victim had then chased the boy and caught him , before realising that he had been shot in the arm , which once more suggests that it can not have been a terribly powerful weapon .
20 ‘ Even today I was n't presuming that I had been chosen . ’
21 While it 's always good to know the odd tuba player ( and let's face it , most of them are ) , Chase unfortunately was a fanatic , believing that there had been no good jazz since the King Oliver band .
22 He had joined up as Air Crew , and for several weeks had walked around proudly with the white flash in his cap , denoting that he had been selected for flying .
23 Surely he was n't implying that she had been trying out her feminine wiles on Sam ?
24 And went down into the kitchen , whose door she boldly opened , not caring that it had been shut to bar her out .
25 In regard to his relations with the Vietnamese de Lattre claimed that Bao Dai was the ablest statesman in Vietnam ; but perhaps rather spoilt things by adding that there had been several recent instances when Bao Dai ‘ had showed the proper co-operative spirit and , in some cases , even initiative ’ .
26 It was , she said , adding that she had been to over fifty funerals in the UK alone , the funeral of a lifetime .
27 She resisted adding that she had been working overtime on his designs .
28 A World Bank spokesman responded to the leak by denying that the memo in any way represented Bank policy , and adding that it had been written in a deliberately ironic tone in order to provoke internal debate within the organization .
29 Morton was on the point of killing the Dragoon when the soldier begged for quarter , adding that he had been forced into the army and had not wanted to be a soldier .
30 ‘ not for the purpose of repining that they had been deprived of the important blessings of hearing and speech , but to manifest their love and gratitude to God for all those other things He permitted them to enjoy . ’
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