Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So good ways of checking that you got it right , and then you can go on comfortably with , let's have a look at erm this time you 're buying a block of gold , er
2 ‘ Some needed reminding that we expected them to honour their word . ’
3 which I asked if they would stay , but they altogether refused , and seeing that they refused I did not hinder them to go , for I will press no man .
4 But anyway seeing that we got it and all this business and and er eventually they got it , but they did n't get it in nowhere near a a as good as ours and you know .
5 In the end , my knitting was getting so chewed with all the knitting and unravelling that I took it off on waste yarn .
6 The shriek that went up as she sank back on to a wicker sofa drumming her heels on the ground and yelling and shouting that she wished he were dead , and that she 'd been dishonoured , made him quite alarmed .
7 He laid his hand on it , implying that it represented him , and slaughtered it .
8 In either case , an unauthorised practitioner will have committed a criminal offence under the Financial Services Act , and pleading that he did it only once or that it happened by accident is not going to impress anyone .
9 IN HIS speech to the House of Commons debate on the Draft Appropriation No 2 ( Northern Ireland ) Order , in July , DUP leader , the Rev. Ian Paisley welcomed the appointment of Sir John Wheeler as NIO Security Minister adding that he hoped he would bring the benefit of his experience in prisons to bear .
10 He puts himself in good light by adding that he gripped me tightly round the shoulders in reassurance , that he gave me brandy , that we talked long after the starlings had ceased their chatter , that we walked down into the street and discussed in jogging stride what guilt or shame or desire could do to the human soul .
11 Finally he got so used to me calling that he asked me to come down and give them a hand fixing it up .
12 His best-known work , Tetbury church , Gloucestershire ( 1777–81 ) , is one of the most elegant examples of late eighteenth-century Gothic and was widely admired at the time , the poet William Mason [ q.v. ] , for example , commenting that it gave him ‘ the very highest opinion ’ of Hiorne 's ‘ Gothic taste ’ ; and his approach to Gothic design also appears to have embraced at least the rudiments of scholarship as well as its decorative appeal .
13 It 's like everything e but th s saying that we had him .
14 Are you saying that we bundled him down to the waterside and had him hanged ?
15 cos she , she kept saying that they owed her
16 I was surprised by the number of people who were saying that they disliked him , and by the degree of bitterness and the spiteful determination that he had to go .
17 I delivered what was to be my longest speech of the evening , saying that I gathered he was keen to talk about his role , to talk about Gary .
18 Then he continued , ‘ I also remember you saying that you believed you would probably never marry again . ’
19 Those letters would be bound to point out to Gina how badly she 'd treated him , telling her to reform and to save her marriage if they were religious , or else saying that she deserved it if he got someone else .
20 Wolfgang fell into the trap and signed the document , whereupon Constanze dramatically tore it up , saying that she trusted him and needed no written assurance of his intentions .
21 and then they informed me that it was out of stock so I wrote them rather a a polite letter saying that it took them a long to realize it was out of stock when it had been ordered in March and erm I thought their communi communicative system in their office was er non existent .
22 ‘ I 'm not sure whether I should be flattered or otherwise , ’ her host drawled , and she decided on the spot that she hated men with sophisticated wit — was he saying that he took it as a compliment , or not , that he only got one mention at lunchtime ?
23 With regard to the foundation on which his advocacy of the primacy was based , it can be summed up by saying that he thought it was an integral part of the rights of the church committed to his care , testified to by the living members of the community and the tradition which they inherited .
24 However , Reichel himself claimed that he did not know the true reason for his dismissal , saying that he thought it might be due to disagreements over scientific policy .
25 And while her heart swelled — could he be saying that he thought she was lovely ? — a few seconds later he was steering the Mercedes around a bend and was then at once driving to the other side of the road where a kind of lay-by had been cut into a high mass of rock .
26 So , off he went and came back one day saying that he thought he had the song I 'd been looking for .
27 On July 3 Brooke refused to describe the talks as having broken down , saying that he hoped they could be revived in the autumn .
28 In his speech at the National Botanical Gardens in Washington , Clinton made only passing reference to efforts to elevate the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) to a cabinet-level Department of the Environment , saying that he hoped it would happen ‘ soon , by the grace of Congress ’ .
29 we used to go every year be go round to erm for a bonfire but the old boy was saying that he said they ca n't afford it next year .
30 Then Fred took Peaseblossom off to dance and Arthur gave Daisy an envelope of the uncashed dividend cheques , saying that he wanted her to plough them back into the business .
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