Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [pron] [noun pl] have " in BNC.

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1 The issue which divided public opinion largely revolved around the ineffectiveness of the prison system and the ease with which convicts could bamboozle prison chaplains into believing that their characters had been reformed , thus securing their release on ‘ ticket-of-leave ’ , and there was little room fur the idea that the roots of crime might be found in social conditions .
2 Like the West Country weavers they benefited from the introduction , one weaver in 1838 recalling that his wages had increased from around 5s ( 25p ) to between 12s 9d ( 64p ) and 17s ( 85p ) a week .
3 Confirming that his men had been robbed , Granada News editor Mike Spencer said : ‘ There was an incident involving the soundman and cameraman , in which they were robbed .
4 They lost no time in petitioning the Home Secretary ‘ complaining that their privileges had been infringed upon by the Charter granted to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and praying for relief ’ .
5 However , before any of this could happen , Rear-Admiral Kotov , from the Ordzhonikidze , went to see Rear-Admiral Philip Burnett , Chief of Staff of the Portsmouth naval base , complaining that his sailors had seen a frogman near his ships that morning , and demanding an explanation .
6 Peek is fairly confident of its long term prospects reckoning that its rivals have been weakened by recession and that its worldwide markets show significant growth potential : it will be seeking to consolidate its international position with alliances and joint ventures .
7 ‘ Er — you 've — hm — not told me any more lies , then ? ’ she strove desperately hard to get herself back together , although from what she could see of it Ven was n't objecting that his kisses had the power to scatter all sensible thought .
8 Fudging on issues must end now , otherwise there 'll be a real threat that England players will call a halt in droves , considering that their sacrifices have not been justified .
9 Galbraith , as always , writes in pellucid prose , and has not lost his talent for demonstrating that our rulers have few clothes when it comes to justification of their economic policies .
10 I think that one important strand in the rejection of feminism by many women has been a feeling that feminists are saying that their lives have been of no value , and that their activities and concerns have been trivial .
11 He excused himself by saying that his remarks had been made spontaneously .
12 Neff 's approach was to produce corporate performance charts of his firm 's most successful clients , indicating that their fortunes had been turned around by the strategic recruitment of executives headhunted for them by Spencer Stuart .
13 Strong positive correlations were indeed found between measures of the integration of images into dream plots with the integration of the unrelated slides into dream stories made up while awake , showing that their subjects had a consistent characteristic style of integration while awake and asleep .
14 He mocks Polonius , but still thinks of him as a ‘ tedious old fool ’ , showing that his feelings have not been resolved .
15 You will appreciate that before Contracts can be exchanged I must have the insurance company 's acceptance of your life proposals showing that your ages have been admitted and when you visit the Bank on Friday no doubt you will impress upon them that you are under pressure to exchange Contracts for your purchase and ask them to expedite the issue of the life acceptance as soon as possible .
16 The Oromo Liberation Front ( OLF ) announced on June 17 , however , that it would not participate , claiming that its offices had been closed down and its officials arbitrarily arrested by forces of the Ethiopian People 's Revolutionary Democratic Front ( EPRDF ) .
17 Having earlier described calls for the appointment of a special prosecutor as " a political witchhunt " , Bush reacted to the judiciary committee 's July 10 decision in an uncharacteristically muted fashion , claiming that his lawyers had advised him not to comment upon the issue .
18 Many of those whose names appeared on the lists also complained , arguing that their overdrafts had been a product of the chronic inefficiency of the bank and its slack accounting procedures .
19 Many are ‘ cryptic ’ , meaning that their discoverers have no idea what their DNA codes for .
20 She looked at Peter , gravely answering the teasing of one of the lovers , and wondered if what she felt for him was the same quality of feeling that her parents had known and relied upon .
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