Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When Jones sat on the bench on Saturday in the Test we were praying that he did not have to come on .
2 ‘ When Jones sat on the bench on Saturday in the Test we were praying that he did not have to come on .
3 Her heart sank at the sight of fresh blood on the bandage , but she set about unwinding the strip of linen , praying that she had not opened up fitzAlan 's wound too badly in her frantic efforts to escape .
4 She looked into the Doctor 's eyes , noticing that they glowed faintly , as if gathering and enhancing the available light .
5 On Friday the boss called the boy into his office noticing that he had only felled one tree .
6 LOOP have ended two years of speculation by announcing that they have definitely split up .
7 The arguments centred on scheduling , with Serbia and Montenegro insisting that referendums should take place in each republic at the same time and with the same questions , Croatia announcing that it had already scheduled its referendum for May 19 , Macedonia asking for a postponement of the deadline to mid-June , and Bosnia-Hercegovina suggesting that the referendum should take place in two stages .
8 What worried him was that the man was somehow rejecting the film , announcing that he did n't think life was really like that .
9 Before I was in the band if I saw that something was happening that I did n't like I 'd say nothing and go along with it .
10 There are some good points — like explaining that everyone knows how to keep their balance and that normal balance should be used when skiing .
11 He 'd already registered as available for action , back home in Arkansas , but after a year in England , he wrote a letter to his local officer training corps explaining that he did n't want to fight after all .
12 Chairman , I 've listened with erm interest to Professor erm weasel words explaining that he did n't mean what he 's been saying for the past three years and trying to explain away what he 's effectively and he might as well admit it a complete volte face worse than that his agreement to an arrangement which he knows is second best .
13 The film people wanted to shoot in the local pub , but the landlord refused them permission , explaining that he did not want to inconvenience his regular customers , despite being offered a tidy sum as recompense .
14 He refused to take her to the pub to have a drink , explaining that he did not want to hurt Jayne , who would not approve of his energy being spent on anything other than skating .
15 Erm , the , I first tell people what to do because they all know their roles , and when you go in in the morning , and you 're just basically going round checking that they 've already done it all .
16 She pulled the zip of her bag shut and glanced around the room , checking that she had n't forgotten anything she would need .
17 When she 'd finished she got her bag and anorak , checking that she had enough in her purse for bus fare , and let herself out the kitchen door .
18 Unix System Labs is apparently looking at the Tiny 386BSD boot disk ( the one that 's been circulating in the academia , which derives from Bill Jolitz 's work and is not from Berkeley System Design Inc ) checking that it does n't infringe their property rights .
19 He covered her over and ran the torch around the dirt , checking that he had not left any incriminating clues .
20 Every now and then Mazzin would run his hands over me , checking that I had n't somehow ripped off the bindings and was n't about to attack him .
21 He was just checking that I had n't left for good , was glad that I had n't , and was that real coffee he could smell ?
22 It is a condition of booking that you take out travel insurance covering emergency repatriation and holiday cancellation .
23 Genesis tell us that , ‘ It is not good for the man to be alone , ’ revealing that we belong together .
24 Her robe hung open , revealing that she wore only a brief pair of panties .
25 Now that I had this label — ‘ partially sighted ’ — and it was clear that my disability would become more acute , the teachers and girls at school found some semblance of the tolerance and understanding that they had previously lacked , and I slowly began to edge my way up the academic ladder .
26 This is an aspect of weaving that I had n't thought about until I read Audrey Palmer 's book ‘ Create with Knitweave ’ .
27 Just in time she stopped herself from confiding that she 'd almost forgotten how to dance .
28 There was much competition during the war as to who could come up with the best bomb story , and my mother had a great time telling this one to all the aunties , especially as it was only due to her nagging that I had n't been in my bed at the time .
29 Even after his first round of 69 , Woosnam was still maintaining that he had not been looking forward to playing , that it had not done much for his confidence and that he was still very nervous with the putter in his hand .
30 The Baroness remained impermeable throughout it all , quite untouchable , maintaining that she did not murder Dale and that the fraud was misunderstood .
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