Example sentences of "[v-ing] for her [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So you 're going solo now , ’ said the victim , fumbling for her smokes again .
2 Police Federation branch chairman George Creighton said : ‘ We are all praying for her to pull through .
3 The bazaar drew nearer and nearer — and what a strange thing , McAllister thought , to be such a central part of her life , and she and Matey worked together now , in that , as in everything else , and Matey 's liking for her grew daily , for the eyes McAllister turned on him were always so full of love , and he was easy and happy with her , as he had not been since he was a boy before Africa and Angela Deverill 's betrayal .
4 ‘ You could spend hours waiting for her to turn up , ’ says a former royal watcher .
5 He looked inquiringly at her , waiting for her to say more , but when she did not introduced the man he was with as Ollie , another guitarist .
6 She became bored with the paths and sat on a bench with a book , but Magnus came and sat underneath , waiting for her to move on .
7 I was n't really listening , just waiting for her to pick up the phone . ’
8 Waiting for her to go on , the children looked at each other .
9 Uncle Albert just looked at her , as if waiting for her to go on .
10 Maybe there was some difficulty about Lilian 's dress or he was waiting for her to get back from the hairdresser 's .
11 It 's as if she is away staying somewhere , and we are waiting for her to come back , we can not do anything until she returns .
12 Lost in the contemplation of her beauty and the music of her voice , I just went on looking , waiting for her to speak again .
13 Without saying anything further , he shifted his enormous shoulders more comfortably against the door-frame as though settled for the rest of the day , and moved his eyes to her mouth almost as though he was waiting for her to speak again , she thought , feeling thoroughly disgruntled .
14 ‘ You asked me what monks were , ’ he said , turning , waiting for her to catch up with him .
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