Example sentences of "[v-ing] for i [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But she 'd taken an instant liking to you and for years she 'd been agitating for me to settle down . ’
2 The crowd were pulling for me to do well . ’
3 But there was no malice in their interest and I sometimes had the feeling that they were waiting for me to turn round and hand them a bag of toffees , with instructions to share them out fairly and not throw the papers on the floor .
4 She 'll hang around the Earls Court guest house till then , waiting for me to turn up and whisk her out for a spaghetti .
5 The work with patients who had the delusion of being watched , and who spoke of the watcher as another person in terms like the following : ‘ He is waiting for me to go now ’ , or ‘ He thinks I should do such and such ’ , had first led Freud to suggest that a part of a person 's ego can keep watch over another part .
6 I feel that he has been waiting for me to get home so he can demonstrate this talent .
7 I 'm gon na be here all night with that little red book waiting for me to come over !
8 Was he waiting for me to come in with him ?
9 Well tough he 's not getting my , he 's not getting the ensuite room , I can tell you If I if I have got three lodgers and I 'm getting on with them and they 're they 're paying me regularly for the sake of an extra twenty pounds or whatever and the annoyance from Tony coming in at ten a or there abouts and then sitting there like a stuffed frock waiting for me to leap about and put food on a plate and microwave it not doing it , Brenda !
10 I thought that his appearance meant he had really been suffering very much , longing for me to give up my work , and had only refrained from asking me to do so out of respect for my ‘ rights ’ .
11 I 've got a bright young thing working for me does all the bookings and the publicity , can I give you a brochure ? ’
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