Example sentences of "[v-ing] for [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It makes it easier , in principle , to ‘ see ’ how many hypotheses are competing for some portion of an utterance , for example , and to decide which are the most promising given the evidence .
2 His figures show that even at 1990 inputs and output the occupier 's surplus from farming is less than £300 , becoming about £6000 after allowing for all sources of income .
3 in calculating lost pension rights the correct approach is 1 ) apply the appropriate multiplier to the appropriate multiplicand 2 ) the appropriate multiplicand is the pursuers level of wage which would have been received if currently employed 3 ) allowing for all contingencies including the chance of obtaining a pension in the future the multiplier for a 48 year old was 6 4 ) the resulting figure should be reduced for the accelerated benefit bearing in mind that the pension would not have been paid before age 65 .
4 One exemption not to be overlooked is the normal expenditure exemption under which a taxpayer who has a considerable amount of net income arising over the years is able to make gifts into a discretionary trust out of his income provided the expenditure is normal and that , after allowing for all transfers of value forming part of his normal expenditure , the transferor was left with sufficient income to maintain his normal standard of living ( IHTA 1984 , s21 ) .
5 One type of authoritarian rule had been followed by another , not allowing for that kind of unsettling liberalization which is so conducive to uprisings among minorities .
6 But even allowing for that trait of nature , the number of occasions on which both Conservatives and Labour politicians have told me they are doing better than the polls say is now large enough to make me sniff the air suspiciously .
7 It is not surprising to find the Russian government in 1784 asking officially for information on the organisation of the ministry ; and the memorandum drawn up in response to this request by one of the premiers commis paints , even allowing for some gilding of the lily , an impressive picture of the efficiency with which , at least in theory , correspondence was classified , answered and indexed .
8 Based on an earlier estimate of £70,000 for computerised support of approximately 20,000 files in another department ( without networking costs ) , a similar system for the Highways and Planning departments , allowing for some economy of scale , could have cost in excess of £150,000 at the prices that were then current .
9 Can the Minister tell us whether Britain 's shipyards will be assured of a very early decision on a type 42 replacement , thus allowing for some continuity of work and ending the grave uncertainty in the shipyards so that men and management can get on with what they do best — building ships in British yards ?
10 Even allowing for some massaging of programmes into ‘ serious ’ categories , ITV 's progressive seriousness saw a halving of its ‘ entertainment ’ schedules .
11 The super-sharp , non-clogging blades of this Draper Rasp Set are designed for fast cutting and shaping for all sorts of materials .
12 He was also closely involved with George Birkbeck [ q.v. ] and the popular education movement , contending for each child to ‘ have that given to it which nobody can take away ’ .
13 Club rugby , through this wealthy , first-class ‘ tail ’ wagging the club ‘ dog ’ , has been decimated , as has the system which once had 15 viable unions catering for all players at all levels in a rather rough and amateurism but entirely wholesome — and ultimately highly successful and fairer — why .
14 One of the publishers most successful at catering for this hunger for information is International Data Group ( IDG ) , a firm that has grown big by breaking many of the management rules cherished by other big publishers .
15 I am convinced that stuff had been accumulating for many years in this cellar and that Ernest Griffiths had no idea what was in there .
16 Six seconds of fame after hours of queueing for this fan of a fan THE Lamports had queued for four hours before they were interviewed for the Antiques .
17 She was in pain , but she was taking it out on a complicated Fair Isle jumper that she was knitting for some nephew in Canada .
18 Good God , Teddy , the US arms industry has been praying for this war for years .
19 Anne felt helpless , only able to wipe her mother 's face and grip her hands , praying for some relief for her .
20 This seems to indicate a deep , free , and intensive time of prayer , when the Spirit takes over and controls and leads the prayers , and one can go on praying for several hours without being aware of the passage of time .
21 ‘ I do n't know what he meant , ’ Allen said after they had been walking for some time on the soft turf at the verge of the track .
22 After walking for some time through the wood Valdemar put his finger to his lips and motioned us to be quiet .
23 There were moments when the sun almost burst through the mist and I kept on driving , waiting and hoping for a first glimpse of the cordillera , my mind groping for some answer to the enigma of Iris Sunderby 's behaviour .
24 His mind drifted over the people whom he had heard about for the first time that morning , groping for some sort of perspective .
25 Compensating for this loss of sight , some species have small extendable tentacles at the angle of their jaws which serve as sensitive feelers .
26 Much will depend on how it seeks to solve the long-running debate about merging income tax and the national insurance system ; whether benefits , including pensions , are to be universal or selective ; and , if selective , how the state is to deal with obligations to people who have been contributing for many years to what they were told was national insurance .
27 But Mr Jones said there was little likelihood of Airtours returning for another tilt at a takeover in a year 's time , which it is entitled to do , given the Cook stake .
28 Invited the Lord President to take soundings among Government supporters with a view to determining whether it would be possible to persuade those who were in favour of the abolition of capital punishment that in the interests of securing the passage of the Criminal Justice Bill in the 1947–48 Session they should refrain from pressing for this change in the law ;
29 Such realities , as pressing for some heads in the suburbs as in the inner city , presented an agenda which primary orthodoxies addressed only partly , if at all .
30 Most of those pressing for more individuals in the stockmarket have an interest in doing so .
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