Example sentences of "[v-ing] his [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 I recall my partner panting , puffing and praying his way over a traverse which in no way resembled the route description , to arrive with abject horror at my belay .
2 Tossing his case over the top of it , he scrambled up and dropped lightly down on the other side .
3 He scooped up some pellets and pushed them into an empty flower pot , keeping his thumb over the hole in the bottom .
4 Slinging his mac over the back of a pew he sat down and rested his feet on the one in front .
5 With his mother dead and his divorced wife living in Majorca , there is a side of Graeme Souness that the tabloids never acknowledge , a more solitary side of his life , walking his dogs over the hillsides near Edinburgh , wrapped up in football , obsessed with success and a wealthy victim of Scotland 's passion for football .
6 Cranston stared moodily down at the floorboards , scuffing his boots over the polished surface .
7 ‘ We must get all this ! ’ cried the young producer to his assistant , driving his Rover over the moors from Newcastle and pointing to the horizon .
8 During the winter of 1936–7 , Franco therefore brought the right-wing militias firmly under army control and set about establishing his authority over the political parties themselves .
9 Picking his way over the diarrhoea , which had splattered all over the ground and avoiding the frantically flailing hooves of the shocked , utterly terrified , pony , Raimundo grasped her headcollar and , aided by Umberto and the other grooms , yanked her to her feet .
10 An experiment with a psychic healer passing his hands over the polymer-coated slide , resulted in a tearing of the film membrane in several places .
11 He made them by scattering his droppings over the sky and this is why the grass and the trees grow so thick on the world .
12 But no-one gives a second glance to a frail Japanese man , who stands , cupping his hand over a cigarette , looking a little lost amid the general traffic .
13 He smiled , holding the hollowed column lovingly between his hands and smoothing his fingers over the spiralling pattern of the wu-tu , the ‘ five noxious creatures ’ — toad , scorpion , snake , centipede and gecko — then drew it on , easing himself into its oiled soft-leather innards and fastening its leather straps about his waist .
14 To find sufficient shelter , however , meant spreading his forces over a wide area , the cavalry between Stone and Stoke on Trent , a distance of eight miles [ 13 km ] , the infantry over more than 40 miles [ 64 km ] between Stafford and Warwick .
15 By spreading his proposals over the next three years Norman Lamont sent out the message that he was looking ahead and planning for the future , said Mr Wellerd .
16 ‘ It 's for you , ’ he said , holding his hand over the mouthpiece .
17 He wriggles , getting his face over the buttons on the base of the phone .
18 He was usually depicted as a young man with a Phrygian cap and short tunic , thrusting a sword into the neck of a bull and thus demonstrating his triumph over the forces of evil .
19 Berdichev took the silver chain and fastened it about his neck , closing his hand over the smooth surface of the charm a moment .
20 Spatz bowed , then returned behind his desk , opening the first of the files , running his finger over the apparently blank page , the warmth of his touch bringing the characters alive briefly on the specially treated paper .
21 Lucker fondles the bag for a second , running his finger over the embossed dates and destinations with the attention to detail of a Braille reader .
22 I picture this character , a kind of hybrid between Lovejoy and Pop Larkin , scratching his head over a load of bulky junk to be shifted sharpish .
23 ‘ Perhaps I 'm doing you an injustice , ’ he said , swinging his legs over the side of the bed , his back to her .
24 From beyond the palletwood fence comes the sound of Lucky dragging his chain over the concrete .
25 In this climate , the academic in English and other subjects in the humanities , who is busy , who publishes a lot , who goes to conferences , can not but be preferred to the quiet scholar , who keeps a low profile , even seems rather idle , but is taking his time over a major piece of scholarly writing that may involve many years ' work and which he does not intend to give to the world until he is ready .
26 Harry broke the seal and unfolded it , taking his time over the reading of it , for although he could read adequately well , Sir Gregory 's handwriting was not easy to decipher and there were a number of peculiarly spelt words .
27 Roman seemed to be taking his time over the comparatively short trip , lowering the throttle so that they chugged sedately .
28 By the encore the chubby middle-aged chap in front of me , like many in the hall , had lost all touch with decorum , and , during ‘ Summertime Blues ’ was standing on his seat , windmilling his arms over the strings of his air guitar .
29 He was hanging his head over the edge of the bed and wondering what to do next when a spring burst in the mattress .
30 A client is not easily detached from a solicitor who has been handling his affairs over a period of years , but a comparatively mild solicitation may deprive an insurance broker of valuable business which otherwise might safely be reckoned on for a period .
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