Example sentences of "[v-ing] to a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Director of the State Historical Library , Mikhail Afanas'yev , has confessed in an interview with the newspaper Kuranty that , ‘ Books from captured German holdings are perishing to a limited extent ’ .
2 Let me give another very recent example while these rather alarming , in some ways , events were going on in Arkensaw , the London Times — not the Sunday Times now — had as a centre page article by a distinguished cosmologist , Fred Hoyle , announcing to a startled world that he 'd suddenly acquired some doubts about evolution .
3 Their generosity was appreciated being so willing to give some time explaining to a fellow enthusiast the intricacies of steaming a locomotive for the first time and the difficulties which had been experienced in the rebuilding process .
4 ‘ Let's just — ’ He paused , his voice blurring to a savage growl .
5 James Fanshawe 's filly was showing improved form in storming to a six lengths win from Absalom 's Pillar .
6 James Fanshawe 's filly was showing improved form in storming to a six-length win from Absalom 's Pillar .
7 MADONNA , EMF , GEORGE MICHAEL , LISA STANSFIELD and SEAL are among artists contributing to a new AIDS benefit LP .
8 Here , newcomers do compete with the locals , contributing to a higher demand for rural housing which , together with the restricted supply , has led to extensive changes in the nature of the rural housing market .
9 He stood over her , his black suit and ugly , smiling face contributing to a vague impression of evil .
10 A number of our teachers are particularly interested in the field of SPECIAL NEEDS , attending , organising and contributing to a wide range of in-service training to update their knowledge through lectures , seminars , workshops etc .
11 Time and again , witnesses told parliamentary commissions that women workers were either girls living at home with their parents and contributing to a multi-income household , or that if married , they were earning " pocket money " .
12 It is a generally held view that contributing to a good pension scheme is the best method of saving .
13 For the working-class child correct physical development could help eliminate the immoral effects of a dissolute culture or unhealthy environment , contributing to a gradual improvement of national physique .
14 Or would it be a sign of still greater maturity for their staff to go on contributing to a national system , a system in which the collaboration of the entire academic community could raise standards higher and judge quality more surely ?
15 The main causes of the decline are perhaps connected with contemporary and major changes in agricultural practice , but climatic factors have also contributed , with a series of cool damp summers , particularly in the 1950s , contributing to a high chick mortality on the coastal plain , for example .
16 Besides contributing to a deeper comprehension of the function of to , this study has also led to a fuller understanding of the role of the category of person in the infinitive .
17 It is an impossibly restricted view , therefore , to imagine a universal approach to landform study being based only upon consideration of historical development … the physical and the resulting psychological , inability of geographers to handle successfully the simultaneous operation of a number of causes contributing to a given effect has been one of the greatest impediments to the advancement of their discipline .
18 The ‘ B ’ vitamins are a very complex group , with each individual ‘ B ’ vitamin contributing to a different aspect of fitness .
19 Behind that lie the less easily quantifiable facts of the effects of war service in mingling classes and breaking attitudes , the powerful if vague sense that sacrifice and austerity required a matching improvement in the quality of life in a free society , and the experience of life under siege as contributing to a stronger sense of community and fraternity .
20 Drought , which had seriously affected the country between 1987 and 1989 and had led to severe job losses , remained a problem , the resulting need to increase food imports contributing to a rising trade deficit ( which for the period January to July 1990 totalled US$1,125 million , an increase of 35 per cent on the corresponding period in 1989 ) and expected to offset any gains from higher prices for oil exports .
21 With an underground fire contributing to a 50,000 tonne fall in ore milled at Libanon , losses at the mine jumped from R1.92m to R3.18m .
22 The most that Europe can hope to achieve , or should aim for , is an expanded economic free trade area made up of sovereign states all contributing to a cultural diversity that is economically stable and ecologically sustainable .
23 As the state had come to intervene more and more in the field of welfare provision it fed the ethic of equality and broke down the constraining check of deference ( of poor people in their place ) , so itself contributing to a growing lobby for " more " and " better " public provision .
24 The individual sees himself as contributing to an indefinite process of inquiry by an unlimited community of inquirers , and he may well not believe that he will be around to see inquiry converge on the truth ( 5.589 , 2.652ff . ) .
25 In most cases the reasonable answer will be along the lines that those people who give information for the survey will be contributing to an overall study , the results of which will be useful for a better understanding by everyone of the general problem and will also particularly help specialists who might be interested in ( in this case ) the housewife 's day .
26 However , there is a question about what a naturalized epistemology can offer by way of an explanation or justification of the contributions to knowledge that we make by contributing to an ongoing process of inquiry : we want to know , in such cases , not how we have arrived at the truth , but how what we do can be understood as contributing to the fact that someone else ( or perhaps ourselves ) can arrive at the truth at some time in the future .
27 One leading proponent , J.B. Thornes , in contributing to an interdisciplinary symposium in Geography , Archaeology and Environment , affirmed that palaeoenvironmental reconstructions are crucial if the understanding of the ecology of past societies is to be substantially improved ( Thornes , 1983a ) and elsewhere ( Thornes , 1983b ) has advocated evolutionary geomorphology and has anticipated that it will produce major new insights into historical problems such as river terrace formation and his proposal is considered more fully in chapter 8 ( p. 182 ) .
28 Unlike an industrial accident involving a single emission source , the pollutants contributing to an urban smog are emitted from numerous diverse sources and may be of many types .
29 Media coverage of issues relating to a healthy lifestyle is certainly extensive , but can be confusing .
30 In the case of Re C ( a Minor ) ( 1991 ) The Times , 18 November it was stated to be advisable , for example , for the Official Solicitor to continue to act as guardian in public law proceedings relating to a former ward of court where these are transferred up to the High Court .
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