Example sentences of "[v-ing] to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Charged with ‘ riotous and tumultuous assembling to the terror of His Majesty 's subjects ’ .
2 If his explanations were wrong , it made no difference to his faith ; if they were right , they strengthened the community of believers against the attacks of critics , and added the pleasure of understanding to the duty of believing .
3 The Thyssen Collection is opening to the public in Madrid this month .
4 The festival is opening to the public until the end of the week but if you are not an ale fan its probably best to give it a miss .
5 Like their close relatives , the early millipedes , the insects rely on tracheae , the system of tubes opening to the outside by a line of spiracles along the flank and running to every part of the body .
6 From is opening to the outbreak of the war the " Ring " staged every German Grand Prix .
7 Each of these is equipped with its own set of organs — on either side , leg-like projections sometimes equipped with bristles and another pair of feathery appendages through which oxygen is absorbed ; and within the body wall , a pair of tubes opening to the exterior from which waste is secreted .
8 She quickly learned to swim but because of her small size had some initial problems with buoyancy and kept bobbing to the surface like a cork !
9 The day after the elections , Enoch Powell , the Official Unionist MP for South Down , put the formal touch to the end of the coalition by announcing to the Speaker of the House of Commons that Dr Paisley would no longer be welcome in the office used by the Official Unionist members .
10 It is therefore possible that in some circumstances a stimulus at fixation serves as an anchor such that processing occurs first for material appearing to the right of fixation .
11 ( 3 ) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions , regard may be had to the previous conduct and activities in business or financial matters of the person in question and , in particular , to any evidence that he has — ( a ) committed an offence involving fraud or other dishonesty or violence ; ( b ) contravened any provision made by or under any enactment appearing to the Bank to be designed for protecting members of the public against financial loss due to dishonesty , incompetence or malpractice … ( c ) engaged in any business practices appearing to the Bank to be deceitful or oppressive or otherwise improper ( whether unlawful or not ) or which otherwise reflect discredit on his method of conducting business ; ( d ) engaged in or been associated with any other business practices or otherwise conducted himself in such a way as to cast doubt on his competence and soundness of judgement .
12 ( 3 ) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions , regard may be had to the previous conduct and activities in business or financial matters of the person in question and , in particular , to any evidence that he has — ( a ) committed an offence involving fraud or other dishonesty or violence ; ( b ) contravened any provision made by or under any enactment appearing to the Bank to be designed for protecting members of the public against financial loss due to dishonesty , incompetence or malpractice … ( c ) engaged in any business practices appearing to the Bank to be deceitful or oppressive or otherwise improper ( whether unlawful or not ) or which otherwise reflect discredit on his method of conducting business ; ( d ) engaged in or been associated with any other business practices or otherwise conducted himself in such a way as to cast doubt on his competence and soundness of judgement .
13 ( 2 ) An institution shall not be regarded as conducting its business in a prudent manner unless it maintains or , as the case may be , will maintain net assets which , together with other financial resources available to the institution of such nature and amount as are considered appropriate by the Bank , are — ( a ) of an amount which is commensurate with the nature and scale of the institution 's operations ; and ( b ) of an amount and nature sufficient to safeguard the interests of its depositors and potential depositors , having regard to the particular factors mentioned in sub-paragraph ( 3 ) below and any other factors appearing to the Bank to be relevant .
14 For instance , Susan Trangmar 's slide installation can not be fully seen from the margins , but the act of walking to the centre of the four projector installation involves passing one of the projectors so that your shadow passes across the image .
15 For a while , silence prevailed , except for the footsteps of the guide , walking to the end of the gallery and walking back , sighing in her progress , jingling her keys .
16 Walking to the right in its shadowy depths , one would come sooner or later to one of the three great heaps of rubble that now patched it .
17 We checked on the five french windows that opened on to the playground , noted the survival of the wash-house and , on walking to the side of the school and round the back , found the original planks that constituted the vieille planche intact .
18 He responded by explaining to the chairman of the committee , the fashionable playwright and military man John Burgoyne , how he had entered Murshidabad the capital of Bengal as a conqueror and how bankers and jewellers had rushed forward to thrust presents on him ; and , he concluded , as he thought back to the moment of triumph , ‘ By God , Mr. Chairman , I stand amazed at my own moderation . ’
19 Whatever may be happening to the rest of the economy , litigation is booming and so , apparently , is fraud .
20 About what 's happening to the rest of because she was very maternal she was m she was our mam .
21 Secondly , what is supposed to be happening to the level of money wages following the increase in the money supply ?
22 I refer to what has been , is and will be happening to the financing of some of the most frail and vulnerable members of our community who live in residential or nursing homes .
23 I detect something happening to the profile of the flying binbag ; at the top of its arc the shape bulges in its upper surface , a small clenched fist bursts through , punching the dark .
24 He says he attempted to bring what was happening to the attention of university authorities such as CSRG 's faculty overseer Susan Graham and its Office of Technology Licensing but was sloughed off .
25 What 's happening to the population in this country ?
26 While the greening of the electorate was rapidly taken aboard and she was impressed by the fact that acid rain could damage international relations as surely as it did stonework and trees , what caught her imagination were the profound implications of what was happening to the chemistry of the deeper atmosphere .
27 The restructuring school argued that to understand what was happening to the geography of British manufacturing at this time it was necessary to analyse this situation .
28 I 'm gon na start by going back to that graph we looked at first thing this morning which is trying to explain what had been happening to the pattern of tourism , both visitors to this country and visitors moving away from this country in the period nineteen seventy eight to nineteen eighty two .
29 ‘ He either knew what was happening to the economy at the last election and lied or he was living in a fool 's paradise unaware of the damage he was doing . ’
30 Erm there 's another Econ Soc the Economic Society putting on a lecture at five o'clock on Wednesday er in A forty two and the topic there is What 's Happening to the Distribution of Income in Britain and he is also talking to the Public Sector .
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