Example sentences of "[v-ing] to be [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 British companies were , generally speaking , increasing in size through mergers and consolidation , so the stakes were that much higher and they could not afford to get things wrong ; they needed new management teams to run taken-over businesses ; industrial plants were growing in scale ; finance was becoming more complex ; business was tending to be more and more international ; American operations were penetrating many European markets ; and Britain was facing a host of unprecedented economic pressures and new competition with the post-war recovery of Germany and Japan .
2 Her teacher would n't worry , since she had alerted her that she was going to be away and promised to bring a note on her return .
3 I was so excited , I was actually going to see him , he was going to be there and so was I.
4 You know , you 're sort of turning the abortion argument on it 's head , that er in an abortion you can say it 's my body , I have a right to decide , and this baby that dies is never going to be there to question that decision , but in this type of situation the baby 's going to be there and okay , you 'll get so many who will just accept their situation and wo n't question it , but you 're always going to get some , or even one who will say I want to know my origins , I want to why I was conceived this way , why I was born this way , why , I have two mothers , that maybe a surrogate mother and a natural mother ?
5 Yeah I think it it 's it 's been coming on a sort of er you know we we we tour here twice a year every year and we release an album every year at this time and a video , so it 's for all the people who like that type of music they know it 's going to be there and they come out to see us all the time you know and er as you say it goes on and on but lucky enough there is an awful lot of material for us to do and you know there should n't be any problem .
6 You ca n't make chemistry happen , you ca n't say : ‘ You and you are going to be so and so . ’
7 Well I ca n't predict how long it 's going to be now and y and you may find ,
8 So it 's going to be more and more moving into the real area as opposed to our fantasies about what the world 's like at this particular moment .
9 In fact radio is alive , kicking and expanding , and there are thousands of hours of radio going out , locally particularly , and every indication there are going to be more and more community radio stations in the future , and this is hungry time for material , so lots of opportunities in that particular way , at this stage .
10 So , if you 're planning to be out and about tonight , take care .
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