Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Slowly , he put down the silver pen he had been toying with and stood up , walking to her at the windows .
2 Anwar had reclaimed Changez and was patiently explaining to him about the shop , the wholesaler and the financial position .
3 When I go past , I wonder what has been happening to her in the intervening years , and that 's very odd . ’
4 He remained silent , watching her , and her embarrassment grew until in the end she set her glass down with a bang and in desperation said , ‘ So are you going to tell me what 's been happening to you in the last five years ? ’
5 ‘ Alex is a natural leader and I wanted the others to begin relating to him as the captain as soon as possible , ’ said the national coach .
6 Being certainly lost an opportunity by not being it 's only body there is an editing element in the book publishing section from the P G B and there are elements relating to us in the S P G of the Periodical Training Council and there will be bits of them in the public relations in the marketing one of which I 've got a copy of the draft , but you know there is nothing all embracing B T E C do graphics and journalism but there is no single forum , I mean that 's what so astonishing and interestingly somebody at B T E C told me the other day there 's been a bit of a problem about the the book editing part of the editing level three element um , and that 's partly political as to editing versus production because production 's level four and editing is level three , and that has made some problems apparently
7 Their acute hearing had already informed them that only one set of feet was running in the night , the light footfalls vibrating to them through the drum-like quality of the primeval forest floor .
8 Both bodies publish application forms recommended for use when applying to them for the appointment of experts or arbitrators : copies of the forms are reproduced in Appendices G and H. The Law Society has also published its requested procedure : see [ 1986 ] Law Society 's Gazette 2542 , reprinted in Appendix B. It is important that applicants follow the procedure of applying on prescribed forms .
9 ‘ We will be listening to him in the wings every night . ’
10 Bernard I must tell you , listening to you at the moment is Simon Wigg on one of our other lines erm just a word about Simon before I bring him in .
11 The crowd seemed to be getting a little impatient just before the goal ( as I 'm sure we all were listening to it on the radio ) but can you imagine what the scum crowd would ahve been doing to their team if they had n't scored within twenty minutes ?
12 You , you were listening to it on the radio .
13 Watching it or listening to it on the
14 Sky T V so they were either watching it on their own or being very neighbourly with their neighbours or listening to it on the radio or as you say , up in Liverpool .
15 The surety often takes the position from motives of friendship to the debtor , and generally not as a result of any direct bargaining between him and the creditor , or in consideration of any remuneration passing to him from the creditor .
16 As far as I was concerned it was a nightmare , and merged in my memory with actually being evacuated ; the kids going down to Ladywell station in a crocodile on one side of the road , clutching oranges and bars of chocolate , and the mothers on the other , weeping and wailing and shouting to us across the street , lots of dwarfs and lots of Snow Whites .
17 We 're particularly proud of him in South Cambridgeshire , as we 're also proud that so many of our environmental health officers like Alan Hobson do sterling work for us , and we are looking to them in the in the future with this semi-autonomy that they 've been given to really take on board the opportunities which have been given to them under the 1990 Act to really go to town on environmental health .
18 So she was writing to him at the time I telephoned .
19 And : ‘ I hear people are always writing to her about the deaths of their hearts . ’
20 I am writing to you about the case of Im Su-Kyong , who was arrested for ten years for attending a peace march from North Korea to South Korea .
21 She wrote : ’ I am writing to you in the hope that you can help me with the injustice which has occurred .
22 THE Labour Party 's land policy paper , Planning a New Agenda , has been called partially flawed by Christopher Jonas replying to it for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors .
23 He had already acquired some ex-episcopal lands back in 1647–8 , in settlement of earlier debts owing to him on the public faith .
24 At eighty , eighty five , ninety ninety five , a hundred pounds and ten going to you at the back , going on , sir ?
25 But she 's adding to it by the month with a lucrative round of speaking engagements all over the world at up to £125,000 a time .
26 It was planned as a pilgrimage church with a large crypt for the relics and with stairways leading to it from the aisles .
27 Once she has capitulated and goes off to gain her daughter 's assent he switches faces , turning to us in the middle of a line : ‘ Bear her my true love 's kiss ; and so , farewell/Relenting fool , and shallow-changing woman ! ’ ( 431–2 ) .
28 We suggest that , while bicycles may be recognizable by reference to the fact that they are damaged ( as in ( 59 ) ) , we can not easily describe bicycles as belonging to us in the same respect ; nor can we refer to ideas as belonging to you inasmuch as they are " discussed " .
29 ‘ I think … ’ he began , pointing to it with the point of his umbrella .
30 I have been speaking to him on the phone and we have decided that it would be in everyone 's interest to postpone First Holy Communion until the last Sunday of term , July 15th .
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