Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [art] [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 In the villages of the region women and children spend many hours each day walking to a spring where the water trickles out of the ground to collect water in twenty kilo twenty litre pots weighing over twenty kilos .
2 Her younger brother was sent by Teresa later in the day to say she would not be returning to a house where a dangerous lunatic lived and no one could expect her to — she would rather forfeit that week 's wages than wait long enough to give notice .
3 She worked a sixteen-hour day , returning to the flat where she often stayed with Jennie and Jessie .
4 She had a degree in Romance languages from Wellesley and after doing her postgraduate work at the Sorbonne she had travelled extensively across Europe before returning to the States where she was recruited by the FBI , specializing in the use of firearms .
5 A MUCH-TRAVELLED vicar is returning to the city where he began his ministry 30 years ago .
6 A MUCH-TRAVELLED vicar is returning to the city where he began his ministry 30 years ago .
7 The people divided : Magharba to the north , Zuwaya to the south ; and the committee marshalled the Magharba into the northwesterly quarter ; they set up a teller 's desk near the goalposts , and the voters walked behind the goal-posts ; past a clerk , returning to the pitch where they watched , chatted , and listened to the count .
8 The leaf form varies according to the area where it grows .
9 This might be explained by sub-lithospheric thermal anomalies causing uplift without penetrative magmatism developing to a point where volcanic activity occurs at the surface .
10 Existing trade barriers prevent third world countries from developing to the point where they can afford to implement high environmental standards , the report argues .
11 Two sounds only broke the stillness , the underlying hum of millions of small flies , multiplying to a roar where the gnats swarmed , and the see-saw monotony of cuckoos calling in the depths of the wood .
12 The spread of the Apple Macintosh within publishing to the point where it has become an industry standard .
13 As one young woman I spoke to put it : ‘ I thought at least I 'll be going to a place where these people are not my parents so they wo n't be able to put a hand on me . ’
14 Neither of them was young , and the thought of going to a place where everything including the language was different — apart from Slovene and German they spoke only Triestino — cast a deep gloom over them ; but they had no choice .
15 Brenda was going to a college where there was an excellent women 's hockey team , and Belinda to university to read English literature .
16 If I 'm going to a meeting where I know I 'm going to be the only woman I put my war paint on , if I 'm just going to be in the office all day I slob around in a skirt and a jumper with very little make up .
17 " Very well ; but , as we are going to the islands where there is such a darkness that a spoon might stand up in it , we must first go to the bright home of the sun and ask for one of his rays . "
18 I expect some of us will be moving off soon , going to the places where summer work 's to be found .
19 With the ploughmen and er in my own case I remember going to the house where I was er I was to be the ploughman for this so called horseman you see ?
20 Therefore , he is now going to the place where the satellite is .
21 ‘ You are going to the place where their bodies were found ? ’
22 Er the only thing that I have not handed you is the Labour resolution which er twice mentions demands now although I 'm supporting this strong report here , I think it 's a mistake to demand things , it is , it does n't put people in a very good frame of mind to coax them but and I would ask the er Miss who I think we 're going to vote for this , whether she would consider changing to request , because I think we going to the situation where we make it known to the Department of Transport that we 're a string of such like , we do n't to upset them any more , I think that we requested that we answer is we would actually get a result in one .
23 Going to the chair where he was already dropping off to sleep , she gently pulled him to his feet and began peeling the clothes from his back .
24 A curved arm scythes through the air and the body follows its lead , spiralling to the ground where deft work ( and powerful abdominal and back muscles ) produce a smooth synthesis of movement , driving it across the floor and up into the next sequence .
25 Her salary has been growing to the point where she feels she can afford to buy a home and it promises to climb much further over the next few years .
26 Your scenario before the war then was : sanctions , leading to a position where sooner or later you could negotiate the issues involved .
27 There were still more books and box-files and stacks of paper piled high on the tables that filled the room , leaving one narrow alleyway leading to the desk where , in a small pool of light from a green-shaded table-lamp , Mr Hardiman sat enthroned .
28 He 'd been expecting tight security at the entrance , but in the event the gates were open and unmanned , and a passing employee directed him along a concrete road leading to the garage where a man in blue overalls was washing one of the Fiat saloons .
29 Looking through the window over the sink , Ruth could see the little paved yard leading to the workroom where she had struggled to learn the craft of fine hand-sewing , so long ago .
30 The friar opened the book , turning to the back where a previous incumbent had written the names of all the saints , listing in a neat hand which guild , craft or profession they were patrons of .
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