Example sentences of "[v-ing] in a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nathan shook his head , his mouth twisting in a humourless smile .
2 But he could glimpse that the man was no longer standing but walking in a small circle , keeping level with the horse 's shoulder as he galloped .
3 The discovery was made by a farmer 's son , Euan Baird , 16 , who was out walking in a private forestry plantation near the family farm at Scotston , Auchterhouse , a few miles north of Dundee .
4 She stood up , cheeks bulging , and started to tear off her clothes , walking in a ragged circle as if invoking the spirits of the place .
5 Try to keep your dog walking in a straight line , so that it does not pull across you to reach another dog , because otherwise you might trip over the leash .
6 She realized that she was n't walking in a straight line and was unsteady on her feet .
7 When wet these trousers dry quickly in a warm room — quicker still if you 're walking in a warm breeze .
8 Several disposable types are available from pet shops , and are essential for dog owners where it is compulsory to clean up after their pets if they are walking in a public area .
9 ‘ Lawrence and his contact walking in a quiet street .
10 Everyone felt a desire to go out , even if only for a moment , to feel the pleasure of walking in a foreign city at night .
11 Yeah well I was talking , I was talking to a friend and they said that , you know , there 's some homophobic attacks and some of them just happen to occur because people are walking in a gay area
12 present their ideas , experiences and understanding in a widening range of contexts which require an increasing awareness of audience and purpose ;
13 Such figures represent a huge leapfrogging of rates formerly charged and need justifying in an economic recession .
14 Again the doors closed tightly initially , but , praise God , they are opening in a big way .
15 Between them , Whitaker and Coburn devised the first episode 's opening in an English school .
16 But if so , the concept of compresence will have to be revised to accommodate temporal distinctions ; briefly , it will have to be interpreted in such a way that it makes sense to speak of qualities occurring in a temporal sequence as part of a particular 's " biography " .
17 Herodotus was able to establish some kind of time-sequence for the two centuries before his time , but he was a more diffuse writer than Thucydides , who was concerned with many events occurring in a shorter time interval .
18 These monitor and diagnose any problems occurring in a particular computer system , drops in temperature and changes in air conditioning levels .
19 One good reason for studying with a massage school is that you will be taught anatomy and physiology as well as useful techniques for alleviating pain , dealing with injuries , understanding why pain may be occurring in a particular area and even more importantly , when to leave well alone .
20 To illustrate this point , imagine a survey of all the fires occurring in a particular neighbourhood .
21 The process of drainage and enclosure was probably occurring in a piecemeal fashion all through the late Saxon period .
22 Seventeen random numbers in the range 000 to 200 ( representing the record keys ) can be selected by choosing the first numbers within the required range occurring in a random number table .
23 The process of vortex stretching , considered in Section 6.6 , will thus be strongly present — although occurring in a random fashion .
24 So look at the pattern , count the maximum number of marked squares occurring in a vertical line and then double that to calculate the effect of the double-length light .
25 Several minor changes occurring in a short space of time can have a totting-up effect , challenging and even overloading the resources people have at their disposal .
26 ‘ if the work occurring in a given field is leading to a cumulative body of knowledge , then reference trails among the work of the contributors will be left in the form of citations . ’
27 Since children vary with respect to the ages at which they demonstrate any particular behaviour , norms represent an ‘ average ’ obtained from an examination of the developmental changes occurring in a large number of children .
28 Similar changes are simultaneously occurring in a large number of advanced societies ( Challis , 1992b ; Kraan et al. , 1991 ) , albeit in slightly different ways for different client groups , Of course this simple conception of change requires further elaboration .
29 As the first night of the Hochhauser Season approached , Suzi Hoflin found herself increasingly torn between dread and a curious sense of wild exhilaration that was only partly to do with the excitement of appearing in a professional production .
30 Functions tend to dominate the scene with notions appearing in a separate sub-plot in a relatively minor role .
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