Example sentences of "[v-ing] a large [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The author does a sterling job in painstakingly assembling a large corpus of evidence from a vast variety of sources , taking us through a welter of contemporary descriptions and extrapolating what are almost invariably convincing conclusions from the visual evidence .
2 By contrast , industrial unions cover all workers within a particular industry and general unions are completely inclusive in terms of their recruitment , representing a large number of different industries and occupations .
3 This document read as follows : That we , as representing a large number of the women compositors of Edinburgh , feel that a question affecting a considerable body of women should not be settled without these women having an opportunity of giving expression to their views .
4 The graph also gives an economical means of representing a large amount of information in an implicit and flexible format , and provides a record of the input information should further checking become necessary at a later stage .
5 It is worth noting that imaginative use of unsophisticated technology ( as discussed in Chapter 7 ) can aid this part of an investigation , enabling a large volume of activities that may be undertaken by specified functional groups to be readily summarised .
6 Ken Stewart , MEP for Merseyside East , has met EC commissioners and has been told that German and French objections to Merseyside gaining a large slice of the European structural fund are no longer a problem .
7 Caesar 's forces , after defeating a large force of British , advanced to the Medway .
8 A large blonde girl waved at me from across the room , spilling a large part of her drink down the back of another woman 's dress at the same time .
9 One fertility clinic serving a large part of the midwest of the Netherlands .
10 Around the inner compound of his ranch house , Goldsmith has built a moat in which he is sheltering a large number of crocodiles — a notoriously threatened species .
11 You may find yourself writing a large number of similar letters on a regular basis .
12 But the important point to remember is that we do not observe these sociolinguistic patterns directly : it is the speech of individuals in conversational settings that we observe and describe , and it is by analysing a large quantity of spoken language from many speakers that we can then demonstrate the patterns that emerge from our data .
13 By collecting and analysing a large number of observations it is possible to deduce the average value of time savings to people with particular characteristics making particular types of journey .
14 The research will involve analysing a large amount of already collected statistical , documentary and interview material plus some further collection of historical material from the USA .
15 Dysmap works by solving a large number of simultaneous equations at specified time intervals , using the information already calculated for the previous time interval as the basis for the current series of calculations .
16 Although these methods are fairly simple , very thorough and no doubt excellent for those who make interviewing a large part of their life 's work they are not particularly useful for those who may not need to exercise interviewing skills often but who want to use the interview to good effect when they do .
17 Non-histone proteins , probably comprising a large proportion of transcription factors , bind to the nucleosomal complex and form the final network in which context replication and transcription takes place ( 3 ) .
18 But because he turned down an out of court settlement of £10,000 in August , his financial backers , the RCN , now face paying a large share of a costs bill of around £25,000 .
19 When an old issue of bonds is approaching maturity , the Bank of England will probably enter the market to buy them back over a number of weeks or months , rather than waiting to the maturity date and then suddenly releasing a large amount of liquidity into the economy .
20 The adoral shields are slightly curved large and occupying a large portion of the jaw proximal to the oral shield .
21 The adoral shields are large occupying a large portion of the jaw proximal to the oral shields .
22 Then a client of brokers Robert Fleming appeared , aggressively selling a large line of stock .
23 Guildford returned leading a large company of masked figures who marched into the hall to the raucous clamour of tambour and fife .
24 The first solo show may well be a very daunting experience , for although artists are used to showing work , it is normally in the context of a mixed exhibition or gallery display rather than presenting a large amount of work to an invited audience , including critics !
25 The judiciary should employ substantive review as one method of ensuring that the grant of such largesse does not become a mechanism for illegitimately regulating a large number of peripherally related activities .
26 The Club is almost entirely financed by the proceeds it gets from turning a large part of the Club into a giant car park throughout The Championships .
27 Cuba hosts numerous Soviet facilities encompassing a large range of military functions .
28 But since interviews can be carried out from a single base , it is a very economical and efficient way of contacting a large number of speakers from a wide geographical and social sample .
29 Malone will also be parading a large squad of players tomorrow including giving former Armagh back Simon Willis a chance to show his paces at out-half with Ballymena 's Davy Nickel also getting a run-out .
30 But the actual implementation of this Christian philosophy often fell far short of these standards , and throughout the modern era we can trace a second layer , summed up in the phrase ‘ the double standard ’ , which enjoined chastity on the female while allowing a large degree of sexual freedom for the male .
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