Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [art] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Of course the question in the EPQ does not refer solely to driving and the population they sampled are unlikely to be driving particularly regularly .
2 As he got to know Minton well , Tindle could not help admiring the older man 's flair for living and the way his response was never dense or dead .
3 er , they were meeting and the lad who was supposed to be at the meeting did n't know what they 'd come to decide on .
4 Millions of people living on the streets , congestion , pollution yet through it all , caring and a friendship which are not easy to come by even in the richest parts of the Western World .
5 It was enough with Donnington 's preoccupation with his Home Guarding and a daughter who thought more of wounded soldiers than she did of family duty .
6 We 're working hard in here to get it going and every time we get it going we get a break in .
7 The 78 , which appeared at the beginning of the 1977 season , was one of Chapman 's greatest and most revolutionary contributions to motor racing and the concept which it employed ( the so-called Venturi effect , by which the air was channelled under rather than over the car , thus giving it infinitely superior down-force and road-holding ability ) set the standard for many years to come .
8 Another place where writers put commas " illegally " is between a verb which describes saying and the sentence which presents what is said :
9 An article in the January Railway World is well worth reading and the editor who interviewed Mr Tony Hills saw the Vale of Rheidol through rose-coloured glasses .
10 If you say so sir , the only thing I can suggest is that fact that er that the noise the door opener was making and the fact I opened the door very shortly afterwards , he can only assume the door opener worked .
11 But really they 're looking at the the er sounds you 're making and the language you 're using rather what , they 're not interested in what we 're saying .
12 Well one of way doing it is actually to expand , be very up front in terms of the information you 're supplying and the way you actually supply it .
13 She interpreted them quite accurately to mean that her children were under-achieving and the message she took from them was almost always a negative one .
14 Again on this very course a while back it was only three people in the group in the week that I was watching and the guy who was running the session had , had worked the equation wrongly on the rating or whatever and the other two , never seen him before in their lives were saying that 's wrong and he started getting really annoyed .
15 We had our final assembly on the last day of term , there were four of us leaving and the headmaster who was called Mr Smith presented us with a book each .
16 In order to put that offer in perspective we have to imagine a young unknown with rumours of a short classical stage success to his credit , no films worth mentioning and no bankability whatsoever , being offered , in 1988 , about twelve to fifteen million dollars .
17 ‘ We talk to them about the style of service and food they are planning and the figure we recommend is often less than they had estimated , ’ he says .
18 For all but a few of you , however , the pattern of working and the hierarchy itself will have changed beyond recognition .
19 The fact that the word ‘ stress ’ is commonly used to refer both to the situation in which teachers are working and the way they are feeling and reacting suggests that many of them subscribe to the ‘ Hay Fever Theory ’ as an explanation for how stress comes about .
20 Its two most recent decisions on the Government 's power to restrain publications by former Crown servants — Spycatcher and the Cavendish Memoirs — were marked by references to the Convention and by an obvious desire manifested by most of the judges to ensure that both the law they were declaring and the decision they were taking in accordance with it would be seen to comply with Article 10 .
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