Example sentences of "[v-ing] over [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Minoan wall frescoes showing youths leaping over bulls in the Cretan manner have been discovered in the Nile Delta .
2 We were sitting round the newsroom table , mulling over ideas for the next day 's programme .
3 His poster for this film shows Googie Withers gazing over fields at the distant figure of the neighbouring farmer she loves .
4 A hydraulic ram was used to open these gates by means of chains passing over pulleys on the lintel of the frame , giving a velocity ration of 3 to 1 .
5 These fingers holding cups and glasses are the ones you see picking over clothes on the stalls .
6 But light gets its knowledge — and has its intelligence and its being — by going over things without the necessity of eating the substance of things in the process of purchasing its truth .
7 They play a vital role in glossing over discontinuities in the here and now .
8 Swedish courts will soon decide whether a bank is within its rights in handing over details of the finances of their clients to the local tax authorities , in defiance of a ban imposed by the data protection committee .
9 On 23 November 1917 , the Battalion entrained for Italy and , after a six day journey , arrived at Marseilles and from there along the French Riviera to Ventimiglia and on to Villa del Conte to become part of the XIXth Corps , taking over positions on the Piave , and then on the Asiago Plain .
10 This began operations in May 1950 , taking over responsibilities from the Red Cross and from the American Friends Service Committee .
11 Long hours of standing over benches by the lock makers got part of the Black Country known as " Humpshire " .
12 We had , not love affairs , but intrigues ; giggling over trysts at the skating-rink , kisses in taxis .
13 In the autumn of 1342 Edward III himself did so , winning over parts of the duchy and leaving Englishmen in many of the castles and garrisons , including Brest , the port destined to remain in friendly hands for much of the next half century or so .
14 But less discreetly , when haggling over prices in the house he could lose his temper and shout ‘ Do n't think I am hard up ’ , as he took from the cupboard a quarter pewter pot full of sovereigns ’ to flash at his antagonist .
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