Example sentences of "[v-ing] out [conj] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Waldheim 's delight at meeting Kohl was understandable , for the encounter was possibly the last he will have with a foreign leader before bowing out and slipping into retirement .
2 Certainly , it is usually more comfortable for the salesperson to call upon old contacts , but the nature of much industrial selling is that , because product life is long , sustained sales growth depends upon searching out and selling to new customers .
3 Leave to cool slightly in the tin before turning out and transferring to a wire rack to cool completely .
4 Leave to cool slightly in the tin(s) before turning out and transferring to a wire rack to cool completely .
5 Leave to cool in the tin for 15 minutes before turning out and transferring to a wire rack to cool completely .
6 hour 20 minutes in a 170°C ( 325°F/Gas Mark 3 ) oven , before turning out and cooling on a wire rack .
7 If you insure all the property in your flat against theft , fire etc. you have less of an incentive to make the place thief-proof and to check over it carefully before going out or going to bed than if you were not insured .
8 It 's an invigorating concept because it involves going out and searching for new stories , new voices , new views , the articulate in the community as well as those who have no voice .
9 But I mean I , I see no point in all of us going out and looking for presents .
10 I try to go to keep-fit as often as I can , and I also enjoy knitting , listening to music , going out and looking after my son . ’
11 The sowing of the seed of the gospel does not happen just with a look , any more than the sowing of barley occurs by the farmer going out and smiling at his field .
12 I 'm gon na stop you from going out and playing in the muck !
13 Finding out the answers to these questions is best done by going out and talking to parents and others .
14 You can bring some variety and social contact into your life by simply going out and talking to people .
15 The hummingbirds become particularly hostile , buzzing around the big bird 's head , as close as 2 inches from its face , calling out and jabbing at its eyes .
16 Then all the rest of the coach-load started piling out and running for shelter .
17 Feel that your quiet , heavy limbs are almost spreading out and sinking into the floor like water that has been spilled .
18 We 'd drive to different towns around Toronto — road trips , you know , just hanging out and listening to tunes in the car , drumming on the dashboard .
19 As a special mark of favour , Rainbow has brought Naomi to see the acting debut of a lesbian country-and-western heart-throb who 's branching out and sidling towards the big time .
20 Eating out while filming on location was something Oliver Reed remembered well .
21 Eating out or shopping on holiday in Hungary is a real pleasure and it 's nice to know that bringing home presents and souvenirs wo n't break the bank .
22 Keeping the thumb in this position gives strength to the fist and prevents the thumb from sticking out or catching on something during a fight , and fracturing or breaking .
23 It 's just one I 'm taking out and lying on the floor .
24 Sir Neville Cardus , another great music critic writing about the history of music , likened the image of great composers such as Bach , Mozart and Beethoven as , ‘ Looking at a range of mountains , those names are on the summits then one comes to a plateau — and there standing out and rising from it is the cathedral of César Franck . ’
25 He gripped the sides of the pulpit between fingers crooked as claws and leaned out so far over the congregation that he was in danger of falling out and landing on his head .
26 Now if we were actually to do that in our service books , which is what one of the things that the Methodist conference suggests we consider , just crossing out and putting in the correct non-sexists language , I bet you that eighty percent of our church would be up in arms .
27 This puts me in mind of the last Top of The Pops I watched , a show replete with beflared , poncho 'd , kaftan 'd persons doing psychotropic ‘ dances ’ , tripping out and boogieing at the same time .
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