Example sentences of "[v-ing] what [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The point is that the second version contains superfluous and irrelevant information , though this would not necessarily be the case if we were explaining what we do in the morning to an ( English-speaking ! )
2 Do n't believe that you have to understand everything about Christianity before you can start explaining what you believe to your friends .
3 Even so , he had learned a lot , keeping what he knew from Spatz and his cronies .
4 The case for re-thinking what we mean by practice and its relation with theory has been made at an abstract level by writers who draw on the two very different philosophical traditions which contest the dichotomy , Marxism with its concept of praxis , and the American pragmatists who direct our attention to the consequences of our actions .
5 Mrs Barnes , returned to her cottage , amazingly kept her silence for twelve years , only revealing what she knew to a local magistrate , Anthony Bridges in 1587 .
6 When Jesus met his disciples after the resurrection " he opened their minds to understand the scriptures " , by relating what they read in their Bibles to what was happening around them .
7 Yet only recently has he been affirming what he sees as the Bank 's main job : to attack outright poverty — measured , for instance , in crude terms of calorific intake .
8 Union conferences passed motions condemning what they described as the growing use of temporary workers and employers ' strategies of substituting temporary for permanent workers .
9 As the constitutional authorities gradually detach themselves from wholehearted support for our system of democracy so they envisage the judges assuming a role of extended significance in defending liberty and in checking what they regard as the misuse of political power .
10 But , Mr Lamont , Chancellor of the Exchequer , wrote to Mr Kinnock last night , challenging what he described as the ‘ lie ’ at the centre of the Labour campaign .
11 Behaviouralist critics , who found these principles inconsistent , responded by pressing what they took to be the claims of scientific method , thus moving still further into Explanation and away from Morgenthau 's residual gestures to human nature as an interpretative posit .
12 Well aware that before their present position both she and the Emperor would have been officially designated by the sclerotic European courts as ‘ other persons who might be invited ’ , Eugénie had no hesitation in squashing what she considered to be behaviour unsuitable for the Court of Napoleon III , where ‘ other persons ’ were to be received with dignity and no hint of condescension .
13 if it is considered that the information content is of paramount importance then it is valid to so construct a resource centre that every student may spend most of his time wired up to a dial-access system so that all he need do is dial a number , press a button and then sit passively absorbing what he sees on a screen and hears in his headphones …
14 They went to an Indian restaurant , where he talked and talked , and she listened very carefully , matching what he said with her imaginings of it all .
15 The Centre Party was also committed to ending what it saw as the system of political patronage and was more sceptical than the other main parties about the possibility of Finland joining the European Communities .
16 You 'll not be denying what everybody knows for certain ? "
17 If our work with pupils is based on valuing what they bring to their lessons , and using this as a basis for development , then the element of chance can be minimised .
18 ‘ Though I 'm sometimes so conscious of lack of technique , it 's also quite exciting to find a way of expressing what you see in a person in lines .
19 In hide-and-seek , a number of people agree for a period of time to abstract from living what they know of the ‘ hiding ’ function ( i.e. that people can be ‘ hiders ’ and ‘ seekers ’ and that places can be ‘ hiding places ’ ) and to behave , for the time being , as if only that function mattered .
20 Freud was so impressed by the amount of brutality men have inflicted on one another , and have continued to inflict on one another , that he felt justified in developing what he thought of as a mythology of two conflicting instincts : sexuality and death , Eros and Thanatos .
21 ‘ I do n't blame you for being angry , believing what you do about me .
22 No doubt you were imagining what you take to be my imaginings about Gillian 's vestments : a sable swirl out of Boris Godounov , colours by Rimsky , light summer prints by the infant Rossini , gay accessories by Poulenc …
23 Recently , the giving of business gifts has declined , as employers have placed restrictions upon what their employees may receive , and the Institute of Purchasing and Supply has published a ‘ blacklist ’ of companies operating what they consider to be gift schemes over and above items of nominal value .
24 The US administration , anxious not to be pushed into vetoing what it saw as an unacceptable draft resolution originally proposed by Cuba , Colombia , Malaysia and Yemen , had launched prolonged diplomatic efforts to secure this more acceptable formulation .
25 Yet there is great difficulty in defining what we mean by the public benefit .
26 We begin by defining what we mean by these terms .
27 All his energies are directed towards correcting what he sees as a tragic natural mistake .
28 No , would you tell me what sort of word it is remembering what we did at the beginning of the week
29 Thus , while Sharpe , White , and Bernard do not believe that the Arminians should be blamed for causing the civil war of the 1640s , Tyacke , John Morrill , and other historians have conversely argued that Laud and his fellow prelates should bear a major part of the responsibility for provoking what they regard as ‘ England 's wars of religion ’ .
30 NHS staffing will also be reformed with more in-service training and teams of accredited specialists replacing what they describe as a ‘ consultant-led hierarchy . ’
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