Example sentences of "[v-ing] out [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Wandering out again like an unhappy ghost , she went into her workroom , turned on the light and stared at the bench .
2 ‘ And I 'm not turning out much of a substitute by the looks of it , am I ? ’
3 We 're going out , we 're going out probably to a strip party
4 Going out there on a new board and catching my first wave when I had n't surfed Pipeline for a year only reaffirms my confidence . ’
5 I 'm going out there in a minute .
6 wading out there with a shrimp net .
7 Erm do they involve you travelling out there on a regular basis ?
8 If you are just starting out again on a career or even just looking for a ‘ job ’ , the next exercise is to help you .
9 ‘ What are you doing , sitting out there with a silly vacant grin on your face ?
10 Mrs Jelbart must be working out well as a housekeeper , and from a couple of things her father had said , Belinda gathered that she seemed to care about the Jones boys in a more personal way too .
11 Coons has started working out daily in a pumping iron gym , and enrolled himself in acting classes .
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