Example sentences of "[v-ing] as they [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As always , his knack of disarming was successful , and she was even laughing as they went into the foyer of the Tudor Queen where Sam and Anna awaited them .
2 She settled the old lady on a stretcher near the door , so that she could see the sunlit complex , and the happy holidaymakers laughing and shouting as they played in the pool , their conversations a mixture of Spanish and English .
3 He was still shouting as they walked past the barbed wire and the concrete blocks down to the waterline .
4 Standing at a safe distance , my eyeballs popped at the sight of the rich variety of penises on show , ranging as they did from dainty chipolatas to Bowyer 's jumbo sausages , with a few unfortunate specimens doing impersonations of mummified button mushrooms left for dead at the bottom of a refrigerator .
5 Across the water , the loud hailers were blaring and squealing as they had in the winter , when Tzani-bey had caught and herded the Order .
6 Several city levels above , it would be mid- afternoon now , though the inhabitants of Sagramoso City plainly spurned the radiance of daylight , sheltering as they did under their immense , interlocking umbrellas of black glass .
7 At the moment her eyes were coaxing as they turned on Alain , but when she had looked at Jenna there had been a coldness that was quickly hidden .
8 They suffered considerable prejudice and criticism , adding as they did to the already excessive pool of surplus urban labour , though in practice they concentrated in trades , such as tailoring , in which there was relatively little competition .
9 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
10 Maggie looked down and saw it moving at some speed ; dust flung up in a stream behind it and it was waiting as they taxied to a halt .
11 ‘ At least you 're honest enough to want to end one affair before starting another — ’ He broke off abruptly , his eyes narrowing as they rested on her tense face .
12 Soaked , muddy and dejected ; children crying and adults becoming ill-tempered ; people jostling , arguing and complaining as they slipped in the mud .
13 The plain fact of the matter , snobbish though it may sound , was that they were both unintelligent and ill-educated in comparison to myself , belonging as they did to a different social class from the one into which I had been co-opted at school .
14 He was close , so close : his lips warm , tender and cherishing as they moved on hers .
15 Her breathing quickened , her eyes dilating as they stared into his .
16 The women wore coloured skirts down to their ankles , their earrings and beads jangling as they moved with sinuous grace over the uneven ground .
17 It was , he noticed , distinctly less warm than it had been , with an east wind blowing as they turned into the Parade .
18 ‘ Shop girls were screaming and young mothers were crying as they ran up the street , ’ she said .
19 The sun was throwing its last handfuls of sunlight into the sky and the gulls were crying as they circled around the school .
20 Men did not get rich through running as they did through boxing .
21 Ealhfrith 's personal religious predilections need not necessarily have borne undertones of political dissatisfaction but the differences on ecclesiastical matters between father and son , coming as they did at a time of profound change in Oswiu 's former position of influence in southern England , probably reflected a crisis of potentially serious dimensions .
22 Coming as they did in organised groups around strong personal leaders , the Saxons tended to name their settlements with a combination of local place features and , more importantly , a worthy 's name .
23 ‘ I do n't know about you , ’ the reporter was saying as they walked across the cool marble-floored lobby of the large office building and out into the hot , brilliant midday sunshine of Fenchurch Street , ‘ but I 'd practically sell my soul for a really icy cold vodka and tonic .
24 What had he really been saying as they sat among the trees ?
25 Daylight was quickly fading as they walked up the street to the nurse 's house .
26 A child was screaming in one of the flats , while two dogs were snarling as they fought in the wasteland beyond the apartment house .
27 Dusk was just falling as they turned into the parking area down by the river .
28 The healthy stayed away , or hovered sceptically at the back of the crowd , talking as they waited for the first miracle .
29 Two of the Presidential guardsmen were giggling as they pointed to the name of the village that was his target .
30 But as it grows it will look deep into its hardback licences , and I fear some ugly clawback scenes arising as they did with Mandarin .
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