Example sentences of "[v-ing] as he [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 He was laughing as he possessed her once more , and the laugh died on the point of a knife .
2 She sat there , quivering as he took her in his arms , kissing her so sweetly that she thought the pain of love would tear open her heart .
3 Ronni looked into his eyes and smiled at the compliment , inwardly shuddering as he took her in his arms and proceeded to lead her in time to the music .
4 The musky male scent of his cologne teased her nostrils , and she was ashamed at the way her knees were trembling as he led her over to sit down on the wide , comfortable couch .
5 He gripped her so hard that her bones grated together , and she gasped in pain before stumbling as he pushed her away .
6 He gazed down at her almost fiercely , his voice breaking as he told her , ‘ I can not endure another day like the last two weeks . ’
7 ‘ How dare you do this to me ? ’ he bit out hoarsely , his hands shaking as he held her , his face darkly flushed with rage .
8 He was still talking as he propelled her through the door and back along the corridor towards the exit , barely pausing for breath , and giving her no chance at all to interrupt .
9 Fighting to control her ragged breathing , Laura gazed at his expressionless face , which gave her no clue to what he was thinking as he regarded her intently from beneath his heavy eyelids .
10 ‘ Where are we going ? ’ she asked , gasping as he dragged her towards the barn .
11 Even as he carried her out of the lighted kitchen his lips continued to caress her and she was not in any way close to recovering as he placed her on her feet in her own room .
12 And then his iron control seemed to give way for a moment , his fingers clenching as he pulled her roughly against him .
13 His head was spinning as he led her into the reception building .
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