Example sentences of "[v-ing] as [pron] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 As always , his knack of disarming was successful , and she was even laughing as they went into the foyer of the Tudor Queen where Sam and Anna awaited them .
2 Swell waves running on to a coast break when the forward motion of particles at the wave crest exceeds the forward movement of the wave as a whole , a state of affairs caused by the wave retarding as it runs into shallow water and sometimes over-naively attributed to friction with the sea bottom .
3 We changed the front brake master cylinder and spoiled the feel of the brake : if I tried to keep braking as I went into a corner , the front wheel would lock up and I would crash .
4 Her breathing quickened , her eyes dilating as they stared into his .
5 It was , he noticed , distinctly less warm than it had been , with an east wind blowing as they turned into the Parade .
6 Silvia 's eyes were dancing as she looked into Ronni 's face .
7 My hands were shaking as I got into the raft for the second time .
8 Dusk was just falling as they turned into the parking area down by the river .
9 He was therefore scowling as he bumped into his own wife , who was coming out of the Russell Inn just as he was entering .
10 She had to control her breathing as she looked into his face .
11 The phone was ringing as he went into the house .
12 She looked up , tensing as he strode into the room .
13 He was smiling as he sank into his bath .
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