Example sentences of "[v-ing] his [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 From a pocket in the case , he removes a copy of a painting of Jesus , which he holds up for me to see , widening his eyes like he used to when challenging an opponent or the press .
2 A West German journalist who interviewed a man claiming to be an IRA terrorist won a court ruling last week upholding his right to protect his sources and forbidding the federal prosecutor 's office from questioning him .
3 Had his plan worked he would have been convicted of obtaining the insurance money by deception through enabling his wife to obtain it .
4 Ian has spent the winter season rebuilding his machine to make it one of the fastest 600s on the grid .
5 His arms had sunk in and he was twisting around , thrashing his head to keep it away from the wall — but it still sucked him in . ’
6 The six-month-old animal fell through a hole less than two feet wide in a field at Great Burdon , Darlington and was imprisoned 12ft underground in a narrow chamber for a day until a man walking his dogs discovered her and called the RSPCA .
7 She was imprisoned 12 feet underground in a narrow chamber for a day until a man walking his dogs discovered her and called the RSPCA .
8 He went to the edge of the field , and seeing a man walking his dog asked him where he was .
9 Meanwhile , single mothers will sit and watch the TV and watch the advertisements which all show either happy couples or one single person doing something for an unseen other : ironing his shirts , organising their mortgage , driving his Audi to visit her .
10 In the arts it has become over the last century not the exception but almost the rule for the innovator at the crucial time of forming his style to find something in another culture from which he can learn , an influence not superficial , as in eighteenth century chinoiserie , but radical ( the Impressionists and the Japanese woodcut , Debussy and the Javanese gamelan , Frank Lloyd Wright and Japanese architecture , the Imagists and Japanese and Chinese poetry , the Cubists and African sculpture , Henry Moore and the Mexican Chac Mool , Brecht and Chinese theatre , Artaud and Balinese dance ) .
11 Father Poole covered his eyes with his hand , not wanting his curate to see his tears .
12 Her virtue is so important to her that she can more easily contemplate her brother sacrificing his life to save her virginity than that she might sacrifice herself for him .
13 And when he 's fishing close inshore , watching the signals from his huer on the cliff path and ordering his boats to cast their nets to enclose the shoals of silvery fish that dart and move just beneath the surface , you look down from two hundred feet and you think to yourself , perhaps , perhaps …
14 Technical services committee chairman John Parkes agrees and will also be urging his colleagues to reverse their decision .
15 When he reached the fighting , he charged in amongst the Dragoons , shouting loudly and urging his companions to follow him .
16 A gunner sipping his soup astraddle his cannon , a group of NCOs playing cards would be expunged by an unheralded salvo .
17 One great bluebottle circled his head , ignoring his efforts to brush it away .
18 One was Hank , who stood at his side , pulling his sleeve to make him stop .
19 In the course of researching his clock to verify its provenance , Shulman had evidence that was at variance with Kozlenkov 's testimony .
20 Crouching a little , he risked turning his head to see what it was he 'd hit .
21 ‘ If I 'd had to storm hell itself , ’ he confirmed huskily , turning his head to kiss her palm .
22 I was expecting his camels to follow him and understood that he would not come further before they were in view .
23 It 's claimed the boy carried out the first attack behind a row of shops , holding his victim to stop her struggling , and laughing at her cries for help .
24 ‘ It 's only a play , ’ said Araminta , holding his hand to comfort him .
25 But whatever it was , he did n't think twice about sending his heavies to see me .
26 For long bouts he had lain in the dark , stuffing his mouth to prevent himself screaming .
27 Partner Ferdinand has had his back to the wall in the last few months , a troublesome disc plaguing his attempts to establish himself last spring and resulting in him coming home early from America .
28 The mention of suspension is of interest : that the cause of it — truancy — is not only a 20th century phenomenon is shown by the next paragraph of the Report : " The parent of George Highton who had been suspended on account of frequent absence attended by order of the Deputation and stated that he had 3 boys in the School and that the one complained of was so refractory as to be beyond his management and would not attend as he should , frequently persuading his Brothers to follow his example and having gone into service he wished him to be dismissed , which was done , and the parent was informed that if the other two were not more regular in their attendance they would also be discharged . "
29 One high-earning salesperson of office equipment attributed his success to the preparation he conducted before every sales visit ; this involved knowing his product 's capabilities , understanding his client 's needs , and matching these together by getting his wife to test him every evening and at the weekend ( Kennedy et al. , 1980 ) .
30 There were some valid defences , particularly the poor state of most of the pitches and the injuries to Gatting ( having returned from getting his nose repaired he promptly had a thumb broken and played in only the final Test ) , but some of the criticisms were very valid , too .
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