Example sentences of "[v-ing] it [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Once it was dry , Louise styled Kukkay 's hair by twisting it up at the back to create fullness on top while still leaving it curly and ‘ free ’ .
2 He took the unravelling length of fabric from her and expertly refolded it , depositing it back on the stall .
3 Rather , it first , made full divorce somewhat easier and cheaper , opening it up to the upper middle class , second , made judicial separation more expensive and more rare ; and third , continued to deny the poor access to either .
4 They simplified the house , knocking down walls , adding bathrooms , and opening it up to the cool summer breezes from the sea .
5 A harry torrent flooded through the opening and in no time at all the herd was legging it back to the high land in a wild stampede .
6 Patrick began by blunt cutting the ends then , after blow-drying , he pulled the hair into a high ponytail which he lightly backcombed before splaying it out on the top of the head .
7 It 's very , it 's deceptive if you 're not working out what you 're doing and relating it back to the graph , and relating it back to physics , to an experiment you 're doing , someone 's checking the clock every second to see how much further it 's gone .
8 She shivered suddenly , and her arm caught the folder of photographs , knocking it on to the floor .
9 This is a block that sweeps in a downward arc across the lower part of the body , connecting with the incoming kick near the ankle and knocking it out to the side .
10 While you 've been living it up in the lap of luxury — ’
11 Instead she lifted her hair with both hands , smoothing it up from the nape of her neck and piling it on top of her head in a soft copper mound .
12 When a child has got the squeeze , he is allowed to hold on to it as long as he wants before passing it on to the next person .
13 Jampel Changchub , aged 30 , was described as a ‘ principal member ’ of the group and was accused of ‘ collecting information and passing it on to the enemy ’ .
14 It was just that erm the other varieties around were competing too heavily against it so they thought what 's the point of passing it on to the children .
15 Apart from the inherent improbability that the Lockerbie investigators never thought to ask for it , that it was left to a clerk to print out a copy on her own initiative before the computer wiped the record , only to return weeks later from holiday to find that still no one had asked for it , and that the BKA , after being given the list , sat on it for months before passing it along to the Scottish police , there remained the problem of the FBI teletype which left open the possibility that no such bag from Malta was ever loaded on Flight 103 .
16 Madigan 's Millions was held back from release until American International Pictures decided to take advantage of the success of Midnight Cowboy by foisting it on to the public in 1969 in a double bill with Jon Voight 's early indiscretion , Fearless Frank , also made in 1967 .
17 We will include this poem : I 've been saving it up for the right occasion . ’
18 The only thing on the ground floor that was similar to a dressing-room was a gents ' loo , so we set about disguising its true purpose by dressing it up for the evening .
19 Unless , ’ he added with unpleasant irony , ‘ anyone has any other ideas for picking it out of the shit … ’ ,
20 As he tried , several times , to restart his car before giving up and pushing it on to the verge to await rescue , traffic on the M8 from Glasgow quickly built up until there was a three-mile tailback .
21 It 's a throw-in to David of Blackburn , down the right hand side , that one 's headed on by Stewart , the clearance from , is picked up by David who nipped in there ahead of and now here 's once more down the inside left channel , pushing it up towards the edge of the penalty area where holds it up well , they 're working well at the moment down that left hand side as gets it across , a snatched header comes in and it 's pushed behind by Chris for a corner kick , and we 're at the midway point of the second half , with Shrewsbury leading three two , Alan will describe it for you .
22 Ace tried to thrust a ghostly neural net crystal underneath the Doctor 's nose and only succeeded in pushing it out of the image field .
23 The soundproofing between its three sections is excellent and helped enormously by the fact that the PA system drops sound down from the ceiling rather than pushing it out from the front .
24 They tried pushing it back into the hole but the force of the water was too great .
25 ‘ Pretty things , ’ wrote Sawyer and Darton of illustrated books in general , ‘ pleasant to fondle , more ready to display to a bibliophile those tiny points of an exquisite technique over which it is legitimate to gloat … the spot of ink adjusted on a Corinthian 's cheek to a thousandth of an inch , or a black line so thin and firm that you can almost see the metal caressing it on to the honest untimbered white paper . ’
26 The writer , on the contrary , may look over what he has already written , pause between each word with no fear of his interlocutor interrupting him , take his time in choosing a particular word , even looking it up in the dictionary if necessary , check his progress with his notes , reorder what he has written , and even change his mind about what he wants to say .
27 No transporting it on to the main road so they can took took it to the pit bot .
28 The Queen obviously has a sense of humour , as was evident from her hamming it up for the cameras .
29 An architectural Gone With The Wind with Rhett Butler and Scarlet O'Hara hamming it up across the Grand Canal .
30 All the Official Custodian was doing was receiving the income and paying it over to the charities .
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