Example sentences of "[v-ing] it [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His somewhat unorthodox methods are explained in his letterpress for Birds of Australia : ’ [ One ] successful mode of procuring specimens is by wearing a tail of a full-plumaged male in the hat , keeping it constantly in motion , and concealing the person among the brushes , when the attention of the bird being arrested by the apparent intrusion of another of its own sex , it will be attracted within the range of the gun … ’
2 The ego ideal is replaced in hypnosis by the primal father , in the primal horde and all groups in which these emotions are used for keeping it together over time .
3 He pushed the bra straps off her shoulders and she looked at him helplessly , torn between releasing the bodice to grab his hands and keeping it safely in place .
4 The soil should be kept moist , but never saturated , by sprinkling it gently with water from time to time .
5 While Maureen , who raised the alarm , began to detach herself from the child she had taken home , returning it briefly to hospital , Marie held the infant she called Gemma tightly to her .
6 It was this impatience with the manipulative potential inherent in talk of natural rights , and the possibility of its being used to delay or reverse urgently needed measures to ameliorate the lot of the common man , which was Bentham 's reason for dismissing it all as rubbish .
7 When you replace the receiver after calling them , you get caught up at once by all the other pressing demands on your time , while they , in some cases , may be left sitting in a silent room , turning over everything you have said , and sifting it eagerly for confirmation of your real affection and concern for them .
8 ‘ Not if some big flatfoot is just going to barge in on her and say I 'm shouting it all over town I was with her last night . ’
9 THE DREAM of going it alone in business has taken a tumble in the present dodgy financial climate .
10 ‘ I think Stephen wanted James to see the site first thing this morning before you took us down to the house , ’ Elaine said , and helped herself to a warm bun which she tore open , spreading it thickly with butter and lime jelly .
11 Treatment was aimed to reduce Maria 's dependence on the bottle by providing it only at bedtime and in the morning .
12 But Joe insisted on holding it carefully in front of him .
13 Strength and independence are useful prerequisites in de-fending ourselves against the effects of stress , but they need the support of a communal sense of responsibility , of sharing a load , and of sharing it fairly in order to make the load feel lighter .
14 And they 're all saying it now on telly , often .
15 ( Congress had agreed to give the US administration until March 3 , 1991 , to submit an entire trade package which would then be subject to a single vote instead of the more usual procedure of amending it item by item . )
16 Only as the car was crunching softly to a halt in the gravel of the yard did Charlotte ask suddenly , but in a tone so subdued as to suggest that she had been contemplating the question for some time , and refrained from asking it only for fear of the answer :
17 An and he 's taking up what might , we might want to or , or what could be portrayed as restorationist as being revolutionary where I , I 'm not sure that it fully was a revolution er a and I you see what Mao is saying is that there would have been a class basis for all of this , they were doing it as a class of peasant , they might not have been , they might have been doing it just for restorationist purposes .
18 He yelled abuse at a dog that was about to turn up the garden path , doing it more for form 's sake than because he disliked dogs , and then Jim opened the door and unfortunately called the animal inside .
19 It specifies this biological normality further , by linking it explicitly with marriage , lack of employment outside the home , and being in your twenties or thirties ; and implicitly with being heterosexual , middle class , and white .
20 There was movement there ; movement and light , as if someone was shining a torch beam on it , swinging it wildly from side to side .
21 This structural link between politics and religion is underlined by the legitimacy the church gives to the state as a whole , by recognizing it simply as society .
22 Clutching it protectively in front of her , she stared in dry-mouthed terror at a very tall , dark , athletic-looking man , clad in a lightweight beige suit , with the jacket off and slung carelessly over his shoulder , suspended on one negligent finger .
23 Yeah Donna does , but nobody else does , so do n't go yelling it tomorrow at school , keep quiet
24 This would be easier to flat-pack and cost the maker exactly £22 , constructing it entirely by hand and purchasing all materials at retail prices from his local DIY store , thereby , I hoped , proving that a very comfortable profit could be made while still considerably undercutting the funeral directors .
25 So while the champagne corks pop at tonights glittering premier at least some of the stars will be taking it easy at home — enjoying a nice fat fish instead .
26 For some it will be too late to fully recover more creative ways of asking the world to help them find what they need , rather than taking it brutally by theft , rape , or murder .
27 Erm we are reassuring everyone who has written to us in the that all of the will be taking it fully into consideration when the money application is is considered .
28 As one group member said : ‘ What I 'd like to see happening is this room set up with the computer and using it regularly to type up the notes from our meetings . ’
29 Aside from using it twice in relation to Abdulkerim , he uses it on only three other occasions , at least in his articles concerned with the Muftis under consideration : first , in the general statement which forms the basis for his rejection of the Muftilik of Molla Yegan to the effect that all the ulema are empowered to give fetvas ; second , in connection with Molla Yegan himself ; and third , twice in regard to Molla Shaykh " Abd al-Karim al-Kadiri ( Seyh Abdulkerim ) , who seems to have held an ad hominem muftilik , not connected with the Muftilik of Istanbul , in the time of Suleyman .
30 According to the study , Brits generally are addicted to shopping preferring it even to sex !
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