Example sentences of "[v-ing] to be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His earlier much-fabled ‘ ruthless determination ’ and fanatical single-mindedness were now becoming to be regarded as a major liability , and the command to the 6th Army to fight to the last man was seen as its fateful demonstration .
2 No telegraph or telephone , just as in early days of railways , when nobody knew where a train might be until it arrived ; a track laid with rails and chairs which in some cases were dated 1865 and ballasted with earth ; semaphores of antique pattern , dropping into the post for ‘ all clear ’ and appearing to be operated on no principle at all … ’
3 The hind-quarters and thick tail of another Colchester animal are similarly dotted , as is a complete animal in an oak wood with a strangely-shaped snout , appearing to be tied to what is a bridle-bit and rein ( fig. 14.3 ) ; this very strange creature may represent a boar in captivity .
4 Easily Accessible : There is lots of walking to be done as New Capernwray is only half an hour from both the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales and the immediate area has much unspoilt countryside to explore .
5 ‘ You mean you 're itching to be rid of me so you can get off this island ! ’
6 Some would like uncovering to be extended to Test matches in England .
7 All the disabled professionals could see advantages relating to being disabled in the work context .
8 Alongside demands for increased professional autonomy for teachers , their professional organizations were also pressing to be included in the education decision-making processes .
9 The accident has led to new calls for motorway driving to be included in the driving test .
10 Boys were often to be found on their knees before this icon , praying to be made into pop stars and for release from a lifetime as a motor-mechanic , or a clerk in an insurance firm , or a junior architect .
11 God/dess has no interest in our begging for forgiveness , bearing crosses and praying to be allowed into heaven , but is urging us to dance , to celebrate , to love — to create a heaven on earth , where it should have been all along .
12 ’ She was scraping the chocolate off the biscuit with her top teeth , and pretending to be absorbed in it .
13 But it bothered her , because Naylor You'll-do-as-I-say Massingham had as good as just told her that either she shut up and went along with everything he said , even to the extent of pretending to be engaged to him , or he would dismiss her !
14 How did one ask someone what they were doing on the night of the twenty-eighth if one was pretending to be engaged in merely casual conversation ?
15 Perhaps the most poignant echo in the tale comes towards the end where the townspeople , laughing at John , " " kiken and … cape " " , " peer and gape " , into his roof ( 3841 ) , repeating the verb used of Nicholas pretending to be transfixed by his astrological vision ( 3444 ) : the " " folk " " here align themselves with Nicholas — and with Nicholas the trickster , not Nicholas of the branded bum .
16 Fred merely nodded and picked up the paper , pretending to be engrossed in an article , and Carrie afforded herself a sly grin .
17 First and second encounters can be managed by conventional openness — a third meeting may necessitate a humorously resigned grin — a fourth can be handled by pretending to be wrapped in thought — a fifth may require some dramatised horseplay such as play-acting a Western duel .
18 It was agreed to leave the co-option of a new councillor for discussion during the annual parish meeting to be held at the village hall on Tuesday , April 28th beginning at 8 p.m .
19 This was quite an achievement as there were many well-known archers at the meeting — the captain had arranged for the northern championship meeting to be held at the same venue on the three days prior to the Scorton shoot .
20 So long as the documents have been sent to all those entitled to attend a general meeting in accordance with section 238 , it is a pointless farce to require a formal general meeting to be held in order that they may be ‘ laid ’ unless a member wants to raise questions about them at a meeting , or the auditors want to have an opportunity of talking to the members about them .
21 Though the woman depicted on the pages of the magazines may be represented as wanting to be treated as a means , this type of depiction of women is commonplace , and is one of the major expressions of women 's oppression .
22 They looked at each other without joy and without hope , desperately wanting to be sheltered from reality .
23 Hegel suggests that we all aim to be recognised by others wanting to be noticed by others , to be deemed worthy by others are traits we all have .
24 Fen , still wanting to be rid of her , had taken advantage of her utter exhaustion to abandon her here .
25 Too frightened to speak , the man nodded vigorously , as did his men , and they walked off stiffly , none wanting to be seen to be more afraid than the others .
26 If you are a solicitor or an overseas lawyer wanting to be admitted to the English Bar ; if you are seeking some reduction of the normal pupillage requirements or certain other exemptions from the regulations ; if you are applying to become an employed pupil-master — you must apply to the Joint Regulations Committee ( JRC ) .
27 He was known for wanting to be photographed from every conceivable angle and vigorously applauded when making his inflammatory speeches , and I was looking forward to seeing in the flesh this extraordinary man of whom my parents had brought me up to disapprove .
28 The abbot , Adam Sedbergh , not wanting to be associated with the insurrection and foreseeing its outcome , escaped from the abbey and hid amongst the crags on Witton Fell for several days .
29 Where it occurs , we see students wanting to be immersed in a body of knowledge on their own account and in their own way .
30 And if we lived in the country then it would n't be me coming home every night whacked out and wanting to be looked after and having a squawking infant instead .
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