Example sentences of "[v-ing] and what they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Every task has a clear end in view — when they listen to a conversation on the cassette , they know why they are listening and what they need to find out .
2 Any process based on fantasy and projection is risky because women often confuse ambition and single-mindedness with emotional security , and men 's apparent knowledge of where they are going in career terms with knowing where they are going and what they want emotionally .
3 See what other people are wearing and what they recommend .
4 This is where we need to listen to what they 're asking and what they need , and give them enough to satisfy them .
5 Nevertheless , it seems , in the light of pressures for greater public accountability , that the health service can not mount a credible argument as to why it should not be clear about just what activities it is performing and what they cost .
6 Both parties knew or should have known what they were doing and what they had bargained for when they entered into the contract . ’
7 Well when you 're a waitress and you mix you know with all sorts and you hear different people talking and what they did and what they did n't do you now and some had Doctor pills at that time in the nineteen thirties and some used the Indian bark .
8 I mean , when you 're actually directing a piece of work , and it does n't matter who you 're working with … they know constantly how you feel about it , and that 's sub-text as well as text , and it 's osmosis ; and a lot of it is very elliptical and oblique and subtle , and it goes on all of the time ; and you know from them how they 're taking it , how they 're working and what they think of it by exactly similar sorts of processes you get those feedbacks , and you see the work .
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