Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [adj] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That 's squeaking and creaking is n't it ?
2 You know , often horses do stand close together and they , sometimes you get them overlapping and that is not the best thing to do , it 's nice to have them separated if you possibly can .
3 The effectiveness of a GIS in assisting policy and investment decision-making is related to the accuracy of the accident data it is analysing and this is especially true for particular initiatives including Safe Travel to School and AIP work .
4 Oh I 'm alright do n't worry about me I 'm , they , the person at home , their family must be told as well as you making a note in your accident book that there has been somebody with a knock on the head however mi minor it is , it 's got to be reported , because that knock could have repercussions , it could have broken a small vessel in the brain , it could still be bleeding and that is when compression takes over .
5 These tend to provide an excuse for putting off coaching and this is why some organizations are now insisting that coaching is built into the management role more formally .
6 On top of that the new point to point season is off and running and that 's where we 're going for this week 's Friday Feature
7 He believed absolutely in what he was doing and that is why he and Mrs Thatcher achieved so much .
8 But if you get involved working with somebody else who may be interested in politics then you start talking and this is how it develops .
9 ‘ I felt that I began to get very complacent in my guitar playing and that 's why we asked Craig to leave .
10 and the next night he 'll be kipping and the other one I 'll be working and that 's how they used to go on and it eventually , that 's why it was ten English worker 's to one Japanese because of that reason
11 And then there 's this technician or something here and they ask me to breathe in helium from a mask and make me repeat some of the things gorilla man said on the video so I feel like I 'm becoming him they 're trying to make me him ; I do n't think I sound the same as the guy on the brain-snuff video but fuck knows what they think there are too many to know what the fuck they think ; loads of them , officers from all over the fucking place with different accents , London , Midlands , Welsh , Scottish , elsewhere , God knows , it 's not just Flavell and McDunn though I still see them now and again especially McDunn who looks at me kind of weird most of the time like he ca n't really believe it was me did all these things and I get this bizarre feeling that he thinks I 'm kind of pathetic I mean that in a grudging , still-determined-to-bust-the-fucker way he actually has more respect for gorilla man than he does for me because I 've just gone to pieces under the questions and the things they put in my head with those photographs and that video ( ha which means gorilla man has already put stuff into my head , already has fucked my brains , filling my head with the idea of that , the vision , the meme of that ) and I thought I was some tough cookie but I was wrong I 'm just a dunked digestive baby I 'm soft I 'm flopping I 'm disintegrating and that 's why unless I 'm the best fucking actor he 's ever seen McDunn ca n't accept I was capable of the things gorilla man did , yet so much of the evidence , especially the dates and times that sort of stuff , points at me not to mention that piece of TV-crit I did that reads like a hit-list now .
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