Example sentences of "[v-ing] be the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mathematical knowledge is transmitted from teacher to pupil ; telling , showing and explaining are the order of the day .
2 It does raise a very important matter because in the B C C I inquiry , it was quite obvious er that parts of Price Waterhouse were n't fully aware of what other parts of Pri Price Waterhouse were doing and indeed worse than that and in fairness to Price Waterhouse , some of the regulators in different parts of the world did n't know what each other w w were doing and the only people that did know what was happening were the principals behind B C C I who exploited that situation .
3 Walking is the progression of steps so taken that unbroken contact with the ground is maintained at each step .
4 The probability of the ‘ top ’ failure occurring is the sum of the values assigned to the events in the first level , and we can compute this if there are sufficient failure data to determine the latter directly ; if not then the analysis must proceed to lower levels of the tree .
5 One psychological distinction which has often been used to contrast different tasks in driving is the degree to which tasks can be performed automatically .
6 What seemed to be happening was the spread of population growth out from the major urban centres where it had occurred in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries progressively to the more rural periphery , leaving a population loss in its wake .
7 Some believe pausing is the hallmark of a careful or thoughtful speaker , planning her next utterance .
8 To return to the enjoyment of looking at gibbons , it will be agreed that it is not an activity separate from looking at them , not an end to which looking is the means ( as looking is the end to which visiting the zoo is the means ) .
9 One issue that is particularly damaging is the decision by the Labour party that if it were in power it would tax British farmers and give the money to the farmers of Spain , Portugal and Greece .
10 Does he accept that that single-minded attitude about which he is boasting is the curse of British manufacturing industry ?
11 This possibility of inferring is the basis of Lukács 's concept of ‘ objective possibility ’ .
12 The imagining of what someone else is writing is the mechanism by which the novel switches from one first-person narrator to another .
13 right so if you er draw a make sure you have got at least half a page , right , you are going to be drawing two quite familiar diagrams , right , you er , first of all just draw a normal total product curve , what we are going to do , because we are looking at a fixed level of output , sorry fixed level of capital what we are going to be analysing is the relationships between the total product of labour , the average product of labour , and the marginal product of labour , right , for a given level of capital okay , so the total product curve just tells us what happens to output as we increase the level of our variable factor labour keeping capital fixed at some constant constant level
14 One thing that certainly gets them going is the availability of good bedding material .
15 Relaxing is the key to these climbs : grip the axe shafts too tightly and you 'll pump out , so let the wrist loops do their work .
16 One of the most crucial features of the model we are describing is the occurrence of feedback .
17 What the index will then be measuring is the proportion in which the speakers mix Patois and English .
18 Ken said , ‘ Yeah , I remember that too , but what really got me going was the bit at the end :
19 The only side effects worth considering are the consequences for the rest of society , in particular those of us who have had our cars or homes broken into , or have had our hard-earned leisure time wrecked by noise , rubbish and other anti-social behaviour such as illegal ‘ festivals ’ and acid parties .
20 What we are in effect considering are the implications of debt resulting from earlier decisions about financing .
21 Under the heading , ’ Other Benefits ’ — uncosted — it said : ’ The further benefits from Nurse Prescribing are the benefits to patients of faster access to some prescription items and the benefits they will derive from additional items prescribed for them by District Nurses and Health Visitors . ’
22 Feeding 's the key to £1,000 cheque
23 Even more noticeably lacking is the support for such exercises ; a point that became clear in the HMI-LEA curriculum appraisal activity , where advisers , for example , were unable to provide the support required .
24 Brown Owl was gone a long time , but at last she came back , and leaning on her arm and limping was the pilot of the plane .
25 Now , having been the rebel from the NHS , I had turned maverick and become the rebel of Bristol .
26 As a career move , it was a disaster : for the past 300 years , he has been remembered almost solely for having been the butt of some of Dryden 's most swingeing satirical couplets .
27 Well Spinks did well to win the place from the young Australian this season with Bosnich having been the man in possession of the goalkeeper 's gloves most of last season .
28 One could say that the sentence ‘ It was the knave of hearts who stole the tarts ’ puts the state of affairs of its having been the knave of hearts who stole the tarts upon the mat for discussion .
29 Almost immediately on arrival , surrounded by the cosmopolitan excitement of New York , its immense anonymity , the total lack of personal interest shown towards him after having been the centre of warmth and appreciation in Montreal , he knew that it was not for him .
30 For , as we shall see , the topic we are about to review has many different strands , having been the subject of extensive and increasingly systematic enquiry from several different points of view that have taken it well beyond the realm of intuitive speculation from which it began .
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