Example sentences of "[v-ing] we [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After bathing and dressing we wander down to the surprisingly well attended dining room for Christmas lunch .
2 Like when we 're doing geography , we do n't seem to be working , but when we started revising we ended up in two years with seven books , which is goodness knows how much compared with chemistry or a subject like that .
3 ‘ The Dept of Health is urging us to cut back on fatty foods , yet here is just that sort of food promoted as really good value . ’
4 Are you really suggesting we go along with that ? ’
5 Almost weeping we went back to base .
6 I believe that he is also calling us to break out of the margins and take the battle to the Enemy .
7 Sometimes , too , it is possible to make the mistake of thinking that she is expecting us to come up with all the answers when , often , all she wants is the opportunity to state the problem to someone who understands and will not criticise her .
8 ‘ Are you sure you do n't mind having us stay on for another day ? ’
9 He laughs again , and as the light is fading we walk back to the village , past small boys running hurdy-gurdies ; he teaching me plant names for which I can find no translation .
10 Their value for the reader lies in enlarging or changing our perceptions , in helping us to break out from a deadening routine ; in short , the carnivalesque : ‘ The prophets of extremity put up a distorting mirror against our world — but one which properly attended to , can tell us something about that world , and about the possibilities of changing it , or changing ourselves . ’
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