Example sentences of "[v-ing] she [prep] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She knew that John truly believed that he was protecting her by keeping their love secret , but she was becoming frustrated and annoyed about the situation .
2 He played with her , letting his grasp slip so that she almost toppled backwards , then saving her by pulling her roughly back into his body .
3 He also takes credit for setting John Major on the road to replacing her by making him No 2 at the Treasury .
4 She was philosophical about her stepson blaming her for allowing his father 's foot to become so black , saying that Alex had to look after himself .
5 She slept badly , with what sleep she did get punctuated with dreams where Barney was driving away in her car , and where Cara was blaming her for letting him take it .
6 Mr Stuart-Moore alleged that Alison 's murderer had forced her to tell him this personal detail after handcuffing her , torturing and assaulting her before killing her .
7 Utterly flabbergasted , Leith began to realise that he was accusing her of announcing their ‘ engagement ’ to all and sundry .
8 But he lingered by the window , inhibiting her from winding it up .
9 He blamed it all on business , but could not resist taunting her for expecting him to be at h-er beck and call , while disapproving that he was rich .
10 She was floating along the aisle of a dimly lit church , the only reality the beautiful white dress she was wearing and the man waiting for her at the altar , and even he was shrouded in a mist , preventing her from seeing his face .
11 Jasper had several times mentioned Muriel , and this could have given Alice a clue , if her dislike of Muriel did not always rise promptly in her , preventing her from hearing what she might have done .
12 His hold on her arm tightened , preventing her from turning her words into actions .
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