Example sentences of "[v-ing] with a [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As the cabinet 's toughest fighter ( and worst-dressed member ) , Mr Clarke knows how dishevelled he could look after grappling with a budget deficit forecast to be £50 billion ( $18 billion ) this year .
2 Ian Baxter admitted charges of grievous bodily harm and interfering with a motor vehicle ; he was jailed for two and a half years .
3 A new club is opening with a gymnastics display at Rayburns Close … the action gets underway on Wednesday at seven thirty .
4 A new club is opening with a gymnastics display at Rayburns Close … the action gets underway on Wednesday at seven thirty .
5 And they 've come up with a splendid route , over 80 miles of miles of deep valley walks , riverside and forest walks ending with a cliff top section at Filey .
6 They spent two days on safari while they were there , ending with a camel ride in the Sahara desert where they rode off into the sunset !
7 If she made no response , he might well climb over the wall all the same , as he had on the previous night ; on the other hand if she went to him and they were caught his offence would be deemed the worse , for being found on Roscarrock property was one thing , but being caught dallying with a servant girl was another .
8 The prospect of a soldier ‘ literally dying with a redundancy notice in his hand is not a prospect that any decent MP should contemplate ’ .
9 They charge you an extra quid for booking with a credit card , and say they ca n't be held responsible if the postman wobs the ticket in transit .
10 For example , among those carers living with a dementia sufferer , there were some who gave little care because the sufferer did not need much , because they went out to work , or because they themselves were frail ; and at the other extreme were people who ‘ did everything ’ for a sufferer , and rarely left the house without him or her .
11 Maternal anxiety is an appropriate response to the experience of living with a crying baby — but what physiological mechanism exists to explain the notion that anxiety causes colic ?
12 I heard you were living with a cabinet member 's daughter and fighting for Gay Rights in Fast Cheam ? ’
13 ‘ There ! ’ breathed the widow proudly , setting about her wooing with a bacon pie .
14 As they glided around in a wide circle towards the Wyrmberg it was definitely taking on a more solid form , as if the creature 's body was filling with a gold mist .
15 If you are paying a little more for the food you should enjoy it for what it is — avoid recipes which suggest such things as stuffing breasts of chicken with Parma ham mousse , then wrapping them in smoked salmon and poaching in wine before serving with a cream sauce .
16 Colour the remaining royal icing green ( keeping a little back for the flowers if liked ) and cover the drum around the postbox , peaking with a palette knife for a grass effect .
17 There did n't seem to be anything interesting there , but I remembered the lesson of the day before , when I had stopped to sniff the air and everything had seemed fine , then ten minutes later I was wrestling with a kamikaze rabbit , so I trotted down off the side of the dune and down to the line of debris thrown up by the sea .
18 Jacob thought at first , perhaps , that he was wrestling with a brother intent on killing him and getting his revenge .
19 Rosemary now combines her writing with a catering business specialising in small dinner parties called ‘ Book the Cook ’ and her successful specialist delicatessen ‘ The Cook 's Counter ’ in Arundel , West Sussex .
20 But peering more closely he could see that someone had recently been writing with a fountain pen .
21 If the banks were previously operating with a cash reserves ratio above their desired ratio , however , the potential that exists for them to expand their deposits is reduced .
22 Kokataylo and Stevens was an all-action affair with the Manchester fighter scoring with a leg throw in the opening seconds which almost finished the bout .
23 Kokataylo and Stevens was an all-action affair with the Manchester fighter scoring with a leg throw in the opening seconds which almost finished the bout .
24 A lot of people have said to us that our gigs remind them of when they 're in the bathroom , miming with a tennis racket , pouring water over their heads for that sweat experience . ’
25 A lot of people have said to us that our gigs remind them of when they 're in the bathroom , miming with a tennis racket , pouring water over their heads for that sweat experience . ’
26 GOING WITH A SWING Pandora tee off
27 He told reporters that Mr Vance and Lord Owen were ‘ not throwing up their hands ’ but there was ‘ a question as to how many days they can keep going with a negotiating process which is not getting anywhere . ’
28 I 'm going with a Scum season ticket holder and Newcastle Utd fan should make for an interesting evening all round .
29 John Hill says he started racing with a ski boat and then when the engines got bigger he had to have a go at powerboating which he really enjoys …
30 This enables it to be easily removed for winter storage or recoating with a wood preservative .
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