Example sentences of "[v-ing] with [noun] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Rachel looked up at him , pulses leaping with awareness of his lean , powerful body .
2 You open a song with a line like ‘ Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street ’ — well , what do you have to do ? ’
3 Events in our own lives take on a pattern , as if we really were walking with God in our midst , guided continually by his presence .
4 Here there was room to have a dig at ‘ trade unionists … too , screaming abuse and interfering with others on their way to work ’ , alleging that excitement on picket lines and at rock films amounted to the same thing : ‘ These are all manifestations of the primitive herd instinct . ’
5 Vigorous exercise for 20 minutes three times a week will approximately halve your chances of coronary thrombosis , as will getting rid of your spare tyre , cooperating with treatment for your raised blood pressure , and giving up smoking — even if the experience counts as a major life stress !
6 She had spent the evening smouldering with resentment after his callous dismissal of her father 's death , but now the biblical phrases Luke had employed earlier were suddenly hammering at her brain and heightening her agitation , although she suspected that she was playing into his hands by allowing them to do so .
7 She cackled and slapped her knees , bent double and wheezing with delight at her own witticisms .
8 She loved to play like that , but she 'd have told me in the end , exploding with laughter at my angry duped expression .
9 A pleasant period is ahead of you , as opportunities for socialising with others of your kind may be at their peak .
10 Amidst the banter of the assembly of dockers , costers , labourers and mechanics , with their wives and sweethearts and babies — the lads at the back whistling improvised mood music to the events on stage , some pelting those in the pits below with orange pips , and all howling with laughter at their own jokes — he considered that ‘ very significant were the marks of popular interest and favour ’ :
11 The practical effect of this wording is that for a claim to be covered the casualty must be reasonably attributable to an identifiable accident the source of which is external to the craft — thus the craft filling with water on its moorings over a period of weeks and then foundering would not be covered .
12 When Loc , with another worried glance in Jacques Devraux 's direction , insisted it was time for them to go to bed , Paul galloped across the clearing with little Hoc on his shoulders and dumped the boy squealing with laughter on his sleeping mat .
13 ‘ You ought to wash all that stuff off , you 'll damage your skin , ’ he told her , looking with distaste at her stale , badly applied make-up .
14 We got lost , returning home at ten , trembling with terror at our own inventions .
15 After flirting with Modernism in his earlier fiction , John Fowles was to deride the whole idea as late as 1982 , with Mantissa , which makes elaborate fun of the tradition of Joyce and argues that fiction may find it hard even to survive the grinding tedium of the nouveau roman .
16 And so she 's becomes an instrument in , sharing this good news , a vital witness , and she 's got this joy of seeing others coming and meeting with Jesus through her simple testimony .
17 Moreover , in the case of a prisoner who has been released on licence under section 61 , if his licence is revoked , he is entitled under section 62(3) to make representations in writing with respect to his recall and to be informed of the reasons for it .
18 ‘ Bloody right , ’ said Billy , peering with distrust at his stew .
19 And the manager , in turn , appears to be replying with ideas from his Adult .
20 Yet it is equally possible to see the faults lying with industry in its failure to provide opportunities attractive enough to overcome the alleged prejudice against it .
21 ‘ I 'd like to discuss this further with you , but I 'm afraid we must leave for the hospital now , ’ he told her smoothly , his lips twitching with amusement at her trembling rage and fury .
22 His face shrank into lines of hostility and I felt my right knee twitching with anger inside my trouser-leg .
23 Always right at me , till I 'm half drowned and choking with suds in my eyes .
24 Labourer Jamie Gorrie , 20 , of Horndean , Hants , had been helping with inquiries about his 15-year-old sister , who died 19 days ago .
25 She found herself gazing with fascination at his hair , which curled slightly against his collar , before her gaze rose to meet the full impact of his startlingly blue gaze .
26 Like a dagger it glistened against her cheek , radiating heat , big , vast , pulsating with purpose in her face . ’
27 Behind , beneath and about him are the oldest and dearest friends of the cause — whilst a liberated slave , now a delegate , is looking up to Clarkson with deep interest , and the hand of friendship is resting with affection on his arm , in fellowship and protection .
28 These had left too many pupils of average ability or below either struggling with work beyond their abilities or following ‘ improvised ’ courses .
29 she said she had prayed and prayed , struggling with God for my life .
30 Try experimenting with designs of your own , making the pattern in almost any shape you like .
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