Example sentences of "[v-ing] that they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , the symptoms of even full-blown affective psychosis and schizophrenia overlap considerably , suggesting that they simply represent different ways in which a common tendency to insanity can manifest itself .
2 Although clay crystals theoretically could store the same prodigious quantities of information as DNA or laser discs can , nobody is suggesting that they ever did .
3 If other Victorian novelists do not set fire to their great houses with as much frequency as Dickens , they tend in other ways to undermine them , suggesting that they too perceive them , not merely as fabrics , but as expressions of an outmoded system .
4 In limiting the concept of social representations to these sons of phenomena , Moscovici is denying that social representations can be found in all societies , and suggesting that they only emerge under certain social conditions .
5 We reject outdated notions of national sovereignty , believing that they now stand in the way of common action to deal with the scourges of disease and hunger , the deterioration of the Earth 's environment and the continuing dangers of the post-Cold War world .
6 This included legislation and other measures allowing young men to evade conscription or ordering that they only serve in their home republic , and moves by individual republics to set up their own military detachments .
7 DNs demonstrated an awareness of the need for compression bandaging by reporting that they regularly applied compression to 198 ( 73 per cent ) of affected limbs and ‘ sometimes ’ to a further 12 ( 4 per cent ) .
8 The percentage reporting that they always felt lonely showed little change with age .
9 The percentage reporting that they sometimes felt lonely increased from 10 per cent of males and 16 per cent of females aged 70 — 74 to 18 per cent and 27 per cent respectively of those aged 85 + ( Victor 1987 ) .
10 They say it 's too soon considering that they just started work with Bull on them , as we ourselves noted .
11 The International Herald Tribune of Jan. 22 quoted US administration officials as saying that they strongly suspected that Israel had supplied cluster bombs to the Ethiopian Air Force .
12 Nigel was saying that they only had a couple , you know , cos they like you
13 Neutrinos are hard to detect : they interact so little with matter that they can probably float through entire galaxies without being affected ; they exist but have no mass nor any other physical property , which is like saying that they simultaneously exist and do not exist .
14 Erm maintenance of the Road football pitch , we 've had some complaints er on the er Road football pitch which relate to the er caravan access , erm caravan use , we 've also had some er comments from the Pub , saying that they actually appreciate the caravans being in the area because of the increased trade .
15 No doubt Harry 's family would also have replied in the affirmative , indicating that they really did not know what happiness was .
16 If the agreement satisfied all the requirements of a tenancy , then the agreement produced a tenancy and the parties can not alter the effect of the agreement by insisting that they only created a licence .
17 Researchers may , for example , find sufficient information in the abstract to determine whether or not they require to see the original thesis , assuming that they regularly scan issues , or have the contents made known to them by their library or information service .
18 We do not know if their society ( and here , of course , we are assuming that they actually had a society ) was matriarchal or patriarchal .
19 For that is how they are supposed to function , that is how they publicly claim that they attempt to function , and , as we shall see below , that is the normal way to justify their authority ( i.e. not by assuming that they always succeed in acting in the ideal way , but on the ground that they do so often enough to justify their power ) , and naturally authorities are judged and their performance evaluated by comparing them to the ideal .
20 In order to provide it , adoptive parents themselves need the security of knowing that they alone have the joy and responsibility of bringing up the child .
21 One of the principal objects of the conference was , it declared , ‘ to cultivate a good understanding with the employers and thereby remove those prejudices which exist against trade combinations , by showing that they only seek by combination to place themselves upon equal terms as disposers of their labour with those who purchase it ; to secure themselves from injury , but by no
22 And all the firms are claiming that they only get their hardwood from government erm replanting programmes .
23 In this , however , he may be naive , for unless he is prepared to say what pertinent effects are , it is not clear what grounds he has for claiming that they always exist .
24 Romanian nationalists , in particular the right-wing Romanian Hearth Movement ( Vatra Romaneasca — UVR ) formed in Tirgu Mures in December 1989 , had opposed such demands , arguing that they ultimately represented Hungarian moves for the re-annexing of Transylvania to Hungary .
25 One commentator traces the history of the UK 's so-called financial conglomerates , arguing that they initially formed around the deposit banks , later branching out to include hire purchase and finance houses .
26 He disputed the idea that Latin American agrarian structures were ’ feudalist' , arguing that they too existed in dependent relation to a capitalism which was ultimately supported by their very primitivism .
27 Too often , friends and colleagues react to the information that someone is suffering from depression either by agreeing that they often feel a bit down themselves but manage to cope , or else by treating the person as if he or she were suffering from mental disease .
28 It seems likely that in very primitive multicellular forms the main mode of communication was chemical — a substance released by one cell , say signalling for the cell to contract , could fairly quickly diffuse to other cells , ensuring that they too contracted .
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