Example sentences of "[v-ing] that she could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He raised his black eyebrows in a look so disbelieving that she could only repeat what she 'd said .
2 On the statement emphasising that she could still be Queen , he said : ‘ The situation is very volatile .
3 ‘ Not usually , ’ she said through pursed lips , wishing that she could somehow refute his image of her , ‘ and please , spare me another amateur lecture on my psyche .
4 Or , on second thoughts , knowing that she could probably hear their conversation , was he sending her the message to disregard any idea that his kisses might have had meaning behind them ?
5 And it was as if she had glimpsed the celestial city knowing that she could never enter in .
6 The knowledge of his affair still ate away at her , and it was knowing that she could never speak to him about the affair that hurt most .
7 She accepted the first price offered by the first jeweller , not realizing that she could probably have raised fifty per cent more money by bargaining or trying other shops .
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