Example sentences of "[v-ing] that it [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Folly threw on a dressing-gown and hurried through to answer it , praying that it would n't be Luke .
2 So I waited four days , watching the weather , praying that it would n't change and when the night arrived to fish again , and the conditions were identical to that wonderful night four moons ago , I felt like I was eight years old again on Christmas eve .
3 One of the members [ almost certainly Francis Maginn ] intended to urge the adoption of the word " deaf " only at the Congress , but seeing that it would only cause much loss of time to no purpose he allowed his motion to drop for the present .
4 I could n't help reflecting that it would almost have bought another bottle of malt , but I did n't grudge a penny .
5 With my father agreeing to give me £2,000 , and adding , ‘ This is the third plane ticket I 've bought for that man ’ , I flew back to England and finished painting the house white , thanking God that I liked the art nouveau and Edwardian furniture David had been buying , because otherwise it could have been tricky , having received the letter and realising that it might actually be love , it might actually be something serious going on .
6 I also , er , we are also putting in for your community computing scheme , erm , realising that it will not only , if we get it , increase our own expertise and make us more efficient , which heaven knows , all organisations need to be , but will also be ab enable us to give advice to all the organisations we represent , and thus have an enormous ripple effect .
7 Here two young men were joking with a gun ; D pointed it at V and pulled the trigger , believing that it would not fire because neither bullet was opposite the barrel .
8 On passing a sentence of imprisonment of two years or less the Act empowered a court to suspend the sentence by ordering that it should not take effect unless during a specified period the offender committed another offence punishable by imprisonment .
9 But if this is so , not only is the case against holism once more put in doubt , the case for supposing that it can ever be established in such an a priori fashion is threatened at the same time .
10 It also advocated that the local authorities should ‘ maintain their presence in higher education ’ , adding that it would only be acceptable for them to do so if they could all ‘ restrain themselves from excessive and unreasonable interference in the running of large , developed polytechnics with the skills and competence to look after themselves ’ .
11 To loud Conservative cheers , he demanded a serious study of the constitutional and economic consequences of monetary union , adding that it should not be a study confined to European central bank governors .
12 To loud Conservative cheers , he demanded a serious study of the constitutional and economic consequences of monetary union , adding that it should not be a study confined to European central bank governors .
13 A European Commission statement issued on Oct. 8 on behalf of the European Communities ( EC ) warned that this extension of the existing 30-year US embargo " had the potential to cause grave damage to the transatlantic relationship " , adding that it could not accept that " the USA unilaterally determines and restricts EC economic and commercial relations with any foreign nation which has not been designated by the UN as a threat to peace or order " .
14 It is a choice that is fully there for us to make at the same time and in the same fashion as other countries , except that we have the additional option of deciding that it would not be right for this country .
15 The court astonished everybody by deciding that it could not rule on the legality or otherwise of something that had not happened yet .
16 The only other alternative would be for the court to disregard one of the clauses and hold that one party had , by conduct , accepted the other party 's terms and waived its own , including the provision providing that it should not be taken as accepting any other terms .
17 EC officials are also concerned about the effect of the system on the free movement of goods between member countries , with a number of non-German companies complaining that it will effectively discriminate against imported products .
18 More than a century ago J. S. Mill argued for universal education on moral grounds , holding that it would manifestly increase the general balance of pleasure over pain , happiness over unhappiness .
19 Consequently , we feel entirely justified in holding that it should now be abandoned .
20 I received a letter this morning from the social security office stating that it can not take anything off the income support of one woman who is being pursued for arrears because she is too poor .
21 It goes without saying that it would also be desirable to exclude from the unemployment figures those who are employed but are making fraudulent claims for unemployment benefit or supplementary benefits .
22 In saying that the free market equilibrium would be at E , we are really saying that it would not be worth while for each individual to check up privately on each and every drug on the market .
23 The Hezb-e Islami , which had suspended its participation in the interim government on Aug. 29 , 1989 , saying that it would not attend meetings until elections were held in Afghanistan , instead called for one-person , one-vote elections based on proportional representation , to be held in the refugee camps and liberated areas of the country to broaden the base of the mujaheddin government .
24 I refrained from saying that it would never occur to me to make such a remark .
25 On Dec. 5 Iraq had rejected Resolution 706 , saying that it would never accept the " colonial conditions " imposed by the resolution .
26 Furthermore , it believes it is not just another personal computer provider , saying that it ca n't simply ‘ be compared with someone like Compaq ’ — it prefers to be thought of as a supplier of personal systems .
27 For all that the Government is making a bit of er er idiot of itself by not embracing the things that it needs to embrace the things it needs to do , at least it 's saying that it wo n't do them .
28 R. F. V. Heuston has argued that it should , saying that it can not make any difference whether the rules which identify the procedure come from common law , statute or a combination of both .
29 ICL Plc has pushed back the timeframe for its stock market flotation , saying that it will most likely be towards the back end of the two to five year target it set when Fujitsu Ltd took its 80% stake .
30 By then , however , Norway , with the weakest and least industrialised economy of the three major states , was beginning to get cold feet and insisted upon appending a minority report saying that it could not , given its current economic situation , contemplate joining a customs union .
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