Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [pers pn] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 It might be the opportunity of a world summit , or an earth summit , at which we can involve the public in Britain and throughout Europe in understanding that we have a common environment throughout the world .
2 They 're suggesting that I have a permanent security guard on duty , day and night , apart from an alarm system that would be more suitable to the Bundesbank than a private house !
3 We are seeing that we have a message to communicate .
4 ‘ I shall be demanding that we have a full explanation from Department of Trade and Industry officials when they appear before the public accounts committee to be cross-examined on this report on December 4 . ’
5 Following the success of Tracy Edwards and her Maiden crew in the Whitbread Round the World Race , women involved in yachting are realising that they have a great chance to attain their sailing goals .
6 For there is no doubt that our prevailing intuitions about ourselves as agents , and a number of associated philosophical arguments about the concepts of choice , action and responsibility , have tended to make the case of individualism seem not merely strong , but so compelling that we have no option but to accept it .
7 ‘ Even the gaffer has been saying that we have a half-decent team .
8 I am just saying that we have no other alternative .
9 He contradicted himself within his own question by saying that we have no constitutional ideas and then identifying an area on which we are currently consulting with a view to making constitutional changes .
10 ‘ It goes without saying that we have an obligation to pray for a just , understanding and — dare I say I — compassionate solution to the situation .
11 Now , when you find management — the representatives of enterprise and risk capital — standing up in public and saying that they have a responsibility to keep prices stable , or lower them , that individual prices ought to be reported on by a commission , and that profits ought to attract special tax penalties if they exceed a certain level , then it is a sign that either the millennium has arrived or else something is going very seriously wrong indeed .
12 No , I 've been saying they booked me about two months ago and I 've been saying that they have a deposit
13 Noisy Californian roustabouts PAVEMENT are currently getting into a bit of a lather as some upstart garage band from Sacramento called SPIRAL STAIRS are laying a claim against Pavement 's guitarist of the same name , saying that they have an ‘ entertainment copyright ’ on the name and want some compensation .
14 When I say , ‘ Now I see it as a duck ’ , am I saying that I have a certain Lockean visual sensation — that is , that the figure appears to me , in a non-concept-dependent sense of ‘ appears ’ , in a certain way — which I have found I always have when I am led by the accompanying text to apply the figure in a certain way ?
15 More formally , if equations ( 3.6 ) — ( 3.8 ) are the ‘ truth ’ and we carry out an ordinary least-squares regression of C t on Y t , as shown in equation ( 3.9 ) , then , assuming that we have a very large sample so that we can use population variances in place of sample variances , our estimator of will tend to the conventional formula : where is the covariance between C and Y and is the variance of Y.
16 A screen which will display clearly at least 80 characters per line and lower- as well as upper-case letters , and a full keyboard with a number of special purpose keys will be advisable for word processing A large amount of internal memory , a fast processor and high capacity external storage will be required for database applications , assuming that you have a fairly large number of records to be accommodated .
17 Am I right in assuming that you have no use for it ?
18 This chapter considers these developments , arguing that they have an obvious potential to amplify , rather than reduce , the tendency to public disorder , and assessing their implications for the erosion of civil liberties .
19 It 's no use just thinking that you have a wood frame at home — take it with you to the framer 's so you can match the actual colour of the wood .
20 Instead of realizing that they have a right to say , if God has no respect for persons , why should men be ?
21 Realizing that they have an easy theme for an otherwise unsellable product , they join hands and do a music-hall turn singing :
22 That is a matter for future debate , certainly not for today when there is quite enough to be done in preparing colleges for self-governing status and ensuring that they have the support and expertise required to enable them to make a success of that .
23 First , place your design in front of you , ensuring that you have an excellent source of light .
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