Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [pron] [noun pl] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 If Computercraft achieves its target of a £200 000 turnover this year ( so far it has doubled every year ) , it will be well on the way to proving that its ideas work .
2 The headline neatly shifted the danger to being involved with the protest group and implicitly reversing the message of the Greenham woman by suggesting that their activities produce a ‘ ride to death ’ .
3 The Marine Conservation Society have claimed that is a politically-led conspiracy to confuse the public into believing that our beaches meet European standards when actually they do not .
4 In some areas local authorities have already started stage I and II courses , recommending that their teachers take them .
5 However , it is worth noting that our findings refer to the presence of H pylori in the antrum , the commonest site of such infection , and atrophy of the gastric body of our patients can not , therefore , be excluded .
6 Paul is extremely aggressive and other parents are complaining that their children come home crying .
7 Peek is fairly confident of its long term prospects reckoning that its rivals have been weakened by recession and that its worldwide markets show significant growth potential : it will be seeking to consolidate its international position with alliances and joint ventures .
8 Fudging on issues must end now , otherwise there 'll be a real threat that England players will call a halt in droves , considering that their sacrifices have not been justified .
9 Galbraith , as always , writes in pellucid prose , and has not lost his talent for demonstrating that our rulers have few clothes when it comes to justification of their economic policies .
10 I think that one important strand in the rejection of feminism by many women has been a feeling that feminists are saying that their lives have been of no value , and that their activities and concerns have been trivial .
11 But if we demand to be paid for it , if we demand Wages for Housework from the State , we are saying first of all that housework is work … we are saying that we women need money of our own — if we were n't forced to depend on men for money , we would n't have to put their needs before ours , to service them sexually , physically , emotionally … we say TO BRING UP CHILDREN IS WORK and we want a WAGE for all the work we do — whether cleaning offices OR homes , producing electrical parts OR babies .
12 In saying that our senses restrict us to appearances and that therefore we know nothing , they would mistakenly be supposing that knowledge is exclusively knowledge of necessary causes and inner natures .
13 Also , attorneys may be putting themselves up for huge amounts of emotional strain , knowing that their clients stand to lose more than their liberty .
14 The poor girl was absolutely infatuated with him , not knowing that his tastes lie in quite a different direction .
15 He mocks Polonius , but still thinks of him as a ‘ tedious old fool ’ , showing that his feelings have not been resolved .
16 You will appreciate that before Contracts can be exchanged I must have the insurance company 's acceptance of your life proposals showing that your ages have been admitted and when you visit the Bank on Friday no doubt you will impress upon them that you are under pressure to exchange Contracts for your purchase and ask them to expedite the issue of the life acceptance as soon as possible .
17 ‘ I have to find the money myself and they told me that the wackier the ideas , the better the response so I am hoping that my ideas come off . ’
18 Many are ‘ cryptic ’ , meaning that their discoverers have no idea what their DNA codes for .
19 Employers must also real realize their responsibilities in ensuring that their employees do not work in fear of attack .
20 The local authority associations have also expressed concern at the likely impact of the Tunnel on peripheral regions , and a conference was held in the early Summer of 1989 to launch a Channel Tunnel initiative with the aim of ensuring that its benefits reach all parts of the UK. it focuses on the role of local authorities in attracting new businesses by providing the right infrastructure including good access to international rail passenger services at regional railheads , and effective freight transhipment points linked to the road network .
21 As a result of the tour , our cattle specialists are well able to talk to both internal staff and customers about dairying in France — ensuring that our customers stay ahead of their European competitors and that our cattle specialists stay well ahead of theirs !
22 Ensuring that his/her colleagues work to implement UK/I policies , both individually and as a team .
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