Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [pron] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Some needed reminding that we expected them to honour their word . ’
2 They 're gon na gain from that or they 're gon na be seeing that they think they gain from that and all you 've got ta get over to the members we 're gon na be a cohesive force and that we 're going , we are going to fight some day together for them .
3 After being swamped by people demanding that we give them the freebie SEAL course , we have , after long and difficult nights of deliberation , come to a decision .
4 Traditional exercises like sit-ups , press-ups and pull-ups are great for strengthening the body , providing that you do them properly .
5 Bodies have welcomed particularly this component of the application procedures , stating that it provides them with a good reference point for budgetary control through the course of their financial years .
6 This can be expressed by people saying that they feel they want a child for their fulfilment as human beings .
7 and then they informed me that it was out of stock so I wrote them rather a a polite letter saying that it took them a long to realize it was out of stock when it had been ordered in March and erm I thought their communi communicative system in their office was er non existent .
8 Some people prefer to work their male ferret on a line , saying that it gives them control over its movements .
9 On July 3 Brooke refused to describe the talks as having broken down , saying that he hoped they could be revived in the autumn .
10 we used to go every year be go round to erm for a bonfire but the old boy was saying that he said they ca n't afford it next year .
11 When the girl 's mother and aunt came round to his house to take her back he became so violent and threatening that they decided they might be endangering the girl 's life by staying and arguing .
12 The gipsies looked so threatening that she thought they were going to attack Angela 's father , but Farmer Yatton stood his ground , and presently the gipsies , grumbling loudly , began to move their horses , which they had unharnessed , back between the shafts of the caravans .
13 When someone spoke at length he imposed unstated opinions or principles on his audience by assuming that they shared them .
14 The counterpart for our experimental data is not so straightforward , since the subjects do not report their reservation values ( even assuming that they have them ) .
15 ‘ It 's the skill you 've got that really counts — the ability not to know things , or to know them without knowing that you know them .
16 Wants you to be — ’ Nutty paused , not quite sure what he wanted them to be , but knowing that he wanted them to be something other than they were .
17 To think of it another way , if you were asked to mend a broken chair you would not use every tool you had just for the sake of showing that you had them .
18 The proportion responding that they thought they could trust the United Sates " a great deal " was 62% ( up from 45% in 1975 ) , a figure not matched by any other country : the closest was Norway , which 37% thought they could trust to the same extent .
19 So thickly was the snow falling that I knew they could only just have been made , probably within the past five minutes .
20 I remember thinking that I wished they would .
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