Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] [pron] [vb past] not " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When Jones sat on the bench on Saturday in the Test we were praying that he did not have to come on .
2 ‘ When Jones sat on the bench on Saturday in the Test we were praying that he did not have to come on .
3 Her heart sank at the sight of fresh blood on the bandage , but she set about unwinding the strip of linen , praying that she had not opened up fitzAlan 's wound too badly in her frantic efforts to escape .
4 The film people wanted to shoot in the local pub , but the landlord refused them permission , explaining that he did not want to inconvenience his regular customers , despite being offered a tidy sum as recompense .
5 He refused to take her to the pub to have a drink , explaining that he did not want to hurt Jayne , who would not approve of his energy being spent on anything other than skating .
6 He covered her over and ran the torch around the dirt , checking that he had not left any incriminating clues .
7 Even after his first round of 69 , Woosnam was still maintaining that he had not been looking forward to playing , that it had not done much for his confidence and that he was still very nervous with the putter in his hand .
8 The Baroness remained impermeable throughout it all , quite untouchable , maintaining that she did not murder Dale and that the fraud was misunderstood .
9 He was at times ordered to aid and supervise the royal huntsmen by leading them to those parts of the forest where the game was most plentiful , o supplying them with trained hounds , and seeing that they did not drive the deer out of the forest or continue their hunting longer than their instructions warranted .
10 He received a letter the next day apologizing and accepting that he had not been in possession of a stolen car .
11 Realising that she had not loved him , Boris then starved himself to death .
12 I found , after experimenting that I did not need any glycerine at all as I managed to get the colour to work well with just a smudge from the wet brush .
13 I had a husband who was pretending that I did not have cancer , and a mother who tried to inspire me by showing me pictures of Page Three girls under banner headlines of ‘ How I conquered cancer ’ .
14 Indeed , in 1781 the philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote a monumental and very obscure work , The Critique of Pure Reason , in which he concluded that there were equally valid arguments both for believing that the universe had a beginning and for believing that it did not .
15 ‘ It worked for me , ’ Feherty said , confessing that he had not seen the back nine of the course before because his practice had been restricted by bad light .
16 Dr Sasaki had not looked outside the hospital all day ; the scene inside was so terrible and so compelling that it had not occurred to him to ask any questions about what had happened beyond the windows and doors .
17 She was seized with panic , remembering that she had not seen her own face for so long .
18 Yes , but she could be parting from him in a different way — ; stealing away , running off , he was surprised she had never done so , that she had n't killed the old woman with a poison in the way she had perhaps schemed to kill him , that she had not held her under just a moment too long when she took her swimming that she had not simply abandoned her in the settlement .
19 " Yes , but from the skips , " said Mary sharply , betraying that she had not omitted to notice what was being brought in .
20 These are increasingly hard to get — a Coventry welfare rights centre had so many claimants complaining that they 'd not received their statutory entitlement to maternity grants that the centre has printed a special complaints form .
21 This is an interesting monument because the architect , Rodolfo Vantini , who completed the work in 1828 , wanted to get away from the conventional Roman triumphal arch , ( a decision said to have been as much due to the local inhabitants complaining that they did not want their view of the Lombardian Pre-Alps blocked as to any creative urge ) .
22 On 30 June Brent London Borough Council 's solicitors were put on notice that M. was complaining that he had not been served personally by them with a copy of the formal order and arranged that he be so served on 3 July .
23 The five leading members of the party at the centre of the controversy , Pearnel Charles , Errol Anderson , Karl Samuda , Edmund Bartlett and Douglas Vaz , although stating that they did not want to unseat Seaga , refused to give a public statement of unconditional loyalty to him .
24 Fragmentation and excessive pace were also found to be important variables bearing on job satisfaction , with many workers , who did not find their work monotonous , stating that it did not absorb their full attention or that they found the pace of it too fast .
25 Commenting that he did not read this extract from the judgment of Dixon J. as displacing the general principle stated by Fry J. in Bainbrigge v. Browne , 18 Ch.D. 188 , 196 , Fox L.J .
26 While emphasising that he had not reached any firm conclusions , Lord Donaldson 's voice will be a powerful one in behind-the-scenes manoeuvres as rules governing the exercise of the new advocacy rights are hammered out away from the parliamentary battlefield .
27 Relieved that he had apparently not betrayed himself and yet wishing that she had not moved away from him , David told her about the history of the old Jewish quarter of Venice .
28 However the representatives of NEC and Fujitsu reserved comment , saying that they had not received official notice of their position and that they looked to the future to reveal this .
29 Members of the Islamic Nahdah movement ( Mouvement de la renaissance ) , led by Rachid Ghanouchi , were reported as saying that they had not put up candidates because of the government 's continued refusal officially to recognise the party .
30 The mutineers , all members of an elite scout-ranger regiment , marched to a nearby army camp , defiantly saying that they did not surrender to the government .
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