Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] [pron] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He came to spend the night , by agreement , twice a week and she saw him every day but there was no denying that he seemed a visitor and never a member of her household .
2 Indeed the next hours after my return were spent explaining that we had no plans to use either troops or tanks and justifying what a BBC interviewer referred to as my ‘ controversial ’ four-day summer holiday .
3 From a letter to my mother dated 2 May , which has escaped destruction , it is clear that I had just written to Eliot explaining that I realized the undesirability of publication , unless indeed Rowse himself were prepared to give it his endorsement .
4 A doctor jilted by a nurse took revenge by falsely diagnosing that she had the Aids virus .
5 Whistling softly to himself , Richmann drew his Steyr automatic from its holster beneath his leather jacket , checking that it held a full magazine .
6 But Georgie then pulled a master-stroke by revealing that she had a talent for automatic writing .
7 With the minimum of props and the only gesture being a raised paw , he asked for the money for a cup of coffee , guv , sported a patch over one eye concealing a wound sustained in the service of his country , at the same time dragging a wooden leg fitted during the retreat from Moscow while maintaining that he had a bitch and five pups to support and did not know where his next meal was coming from .
8 Maintaining that it had the power to negotiate now that there was a common market for air transport , the Commission said it would be better if the EC negotiated key accords with major competitors such as the US and Asia .
9 Maintaining that it had the power to negotiate now that there was a common market for air transport , the Commission said it would be better if the EC negotiated key accords with major competitors such as the US and Asia .
10 It is true that judgment could be given in ipsam rem , but this is far from allowing that they had a ‘ real ’ effect .
11 The police handling of rape complaints was shown in a documentary on Thames television , with the approval of the police , suggesting that they saw no problem in this .
12 With an air of urgency , suggesting that he had a host of other people to see , Wilson handed over a four-page programme guide with a curt : ‘ It 's called Doctor Who .
13 He also dismissed speculation that he would resign as ALP leader , suggesting that he had every intention of leading the party into the next election , constitutionally due by 1993 .
14 He did n't smile as the Shermans approached but waited with his left hand resting on the hilt of his ceremonial sword , his aloof expression suggesting that he estimated the dignity of his person to be at least equal to that of the fabled hero of France looking down from the wall behind him .
15 ‘ Important to whom — to Master Peachey ? ’ demanded Anne , thereby suggesting that she held the opinions of their tutor in contempt .
16 On the contrary , if the student body were to take its right to learn ( Lernfreiheit ) seriously , and were to be vigilant in seeing that it enjoyed the kinds of academic freedom I spelt out earlier , it would necessarily take on an assertive role .
17 However , whether or not someone might have bumped him off is mercifully a hypothetical question , seeing that he had the decency to do the job himself .
18 It was due to this second helping that he rejected the quail and mutton cutlets ( with pickled walnuts ) as Alice and Algernon , with a somewhat nervous eye on Lord Beddington , offered them .
19 The film crew and myself were left scratching our heads , accepting that we had a long wait before we could even contemplate some kind of interview .
20 Unlike Princess Julie , the rest of the family spent their time in repeating malicious gossip about Eugénie 's past life , hinting that she had a more than dubious reputation , but their attitude in no way influenced the Emperor , except perhaps in a contrary sense .
21 He traced its origin to his former position in the trade union movement ( hinting that he had an agreement to go back to the TUC where he could make more trouble for any government if they pressed him hard ) .
22 We filled that and while they were eating that we kept the hay , hay , cut it through a rick , a big thin knife , you know , fill the remainder of the racks with the hay , so that by the time they 'd gone and finished that they 'd gone in to eat the hay , then we 'd got the yard free to litter it out , and to straw it on both sides , one would be on the , one down on the bottom to pull straw down into the yard , and that was .
23 ‘ In our case , I think people were looking further afield for education without realising that they had a very good facility close to home .
24 Kiku was always pretending that she hated the stares of men , but in reality she was the vainest person alive .
25 ‘ He mentioned in passing that you had a lot of female visitors , that 's all .
26 Maria was forced to begin believing that they represented the truth on the Thursday when , having first steeled herself to sound casual , she mentioned to Giles Estwick that Luke did n't seem to be around any longer .
27 Journalists tended to march with the gays in spirit , believing that they had a case and were an important constituency ( as they are ) for the Democratic Party .
28 Intense negotiations continued , with the generators believing that they had the upper hand because of the Government 's tight timetable and their insistence that they should not have to sign contracts before seeing the white paper .
29 She grew up believing that she had no right to be alive , let alone deserved any happiness .
30 It was no secret that Michael Foot — believing that he had a duty to the late Dick Crossman to procure the publication of the diaries — was courageously prepared to accept this risk and to bare his breast for the dagger .
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