Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 From a letter to my mother dated 2 May , which has escaped destruction , it is clear that I had just written to Eliot explaining that I realized the undesirability of publication , unless indeed Rowse himself were prepared to give it his endorsement .
2 A doctor jilted by a nurse took revenge by falsely diagnosing that she had the Aids virus .
3 Maintaining that it had the power to negotiate now that there was a common market for air transport , the Commission said it would be better if the EC negotiated key accords with major competitors such as the US and Asia .
4 Maintaining that it had the power to negotiate now that there was a common market for air transport , the Commission said it would be better if the EC negotiated key accords with major competitors such as the US and Asia .
5 Admission is obtained by written application , proving that you fulfil the set criteria .
6 Are you suggesting that we exceed the Light Railway Order speed of 25 mph ?
7 He did n't smile as the Shermans approached but waited with his left hand resting on the hilt of his ceremonial sword , his aloof expression suggesting that he estimated the dignity of his person to be at least equal to that of the fabled hero of France looking down from the wall behind him .
8 The quote is : ‘ At the inaugural dinner for its first showing at the San Francisco Asian Art Museum in April 1991 , Rand Castile , the director , admitted to a personal call from Henry Kissinger suggesting that he drop the show , diplomatic relations with China being at stake ’ .
9 At the inaugural dinner for its first showing at the San Francisco Asian Art Museum in April 1991 , Rand Castile , the director , admitted to a personal call from Henry Kissinger suggesting that he drop the show , diplomatic relations with China being at stake .
10 ‘ Important to whom — to Master Peachey ? ’ demanded Anne , thereby suggesting that she held the opinions of their tutor in contempt .
11 On the contrary , if the student body were to take its right to learn ( Lernfreiheit ) seriously , and were to be vigilant in seeing that it enjoyed the kinds of academic freedom I spelt out earlier , it would necessarily take on an assertive role .
12 However , whether or not someone might have bumped him off is mercifully a hypothetical question , seeing that he had the decency to do the job himself .
13 It was due to this second helping that he rejected the quail and mutton cutlets ( with pickled walnuts ) as Alice and Algernon , with a somewhat nervous eye on Lord Beddington , offered them .
14 He then became aggressive , demanding that I re-enter the cab while he called the police .
15 We filled that and while they were eating that we kept the hay , hay , cut it through a rick , a big thin knife , you know , fill the remainder of the racks with the hay , so that by the time they 'd gone and finished that they 'd gone in to eat the hay , then we 'd got the yard free to litter it out , and to straw it on both sides , one would be on the , one down on the bottom to pull straw down into the yard , and that was .
16 Kiku was always pretending that she hated the stares of men , but in reality she was the vainest person alive .
17 Maria was forced to begin believing that they represented the truth on the Thursday when , having first steeled herself to sound casual , she mentioned to Giles Estwick that Luke did n't seem to be around any longer .
18 Intense negotiations continued , with the generators believing that they had the upper hand because of the Government 's tight timetable and their insistence that they should not have to sign contracts before seeing the white paper .
19 Indeed it was one of the most shocking stories of police corruption and legal incompetence I had ever read , and believing that I had the ability to rectify it , I decided , whatever my other commitments , that I must bring it to public notice as soon as possible .
20 Other IWC members expressed " deep concern " at the unilateral nature of the decision , warning that it undermined the Commission 's efforts to agree on the details of the RMP .
21 It appears that people gain ‘ para-social ’ pleasure from imagining that they know the characters featured in long-running series .
22 And it 's a difficult topic to raise with those concerned — how do you voice objections without implying that you think the man is a child molester ?
23 He wrote to various suppliers implying that he owned the arcade and obtained around £350,000 worth of goods on credit .
24 Debates on Europe in the Assemblée Nationale are attended by a mere handful of deputés and after the dramatic debate in Westminster in June 1991 , Jacques Delors remarked that only the British were discussing Europe properly , adding that he wished the other countries would do the same .
25 Galileo took the argument further and claimed that the correctness of his law of inertia could be demonstrated by dropping a stone from the top of the mast of a uniformly moving ship and noting that it strikes the deck at the foot of the mast , although Galileo did not claim to have performed the experiment .
26 Leaders of the Yatama Indian rebel alliance ( including Brooklyn Rivera , Wycliffe Diego and Steadman Fagoth Müller ) at the end of September signed a document confirming that they renounced the armed struggle ( although their fighters remained in the mountains ) and requested safe conduct to Nicaragua , at the same time announcing the formation of a new political party , and their support for Chamorro in the presidential elections .
27 Each unit in some population can be allocated uniquely to one of the cells so giving , providing that we count the number of units in each cell , the frequency with which combinations of the relevant properties occur .
28 It reads , In conservation areas , permission will only be granted for developments including changes of use , especially from residential from residential use , providing that they enhance the character of the existing buildings in terms of design , scale , grouping , materials , and will not cumulatively substantially increase the generation of traffic , parking and other activities , beyond the environmental capacity of the conservation area .
29 It can be proved by witnesses stating that they saw the defendant ‘ drive round the roundabout and wander into the side of another car ’ or ‘ brake rather late and run into the car in front ’ or by the defendant stating that ‘ I misjudged the gap or distance ’ or ‘ I did n't see the other car , motorbike , cycle or pedestrian , etc . ’
30 Also , an SSR based on the first SSR should be generated without reference to the offending module and stating that it supersedes the first .
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