Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And those who take part in groups have to show a parallel commitment to working within the spirit of the process ; putting as much energy into listening as in talking , staying on task , collaborating rather than competing in the pursuit of common objectives .
2 The Construction Industry Research and Information Association ( CIRIA ) has been given the responsibility of gathering together and adding to what is known about the risks .
3 We have not yet been sufficiently educated to realize that the risk of dying from the greatest killer disease in the Western world could be drastically reduced if only we took preventative measures by eating sensibly and looking after our bodies .
4 A robotic dispenser arm was whirring nervously and jabbing into Bernice 's neck as it tried to locate an item that was n't there from a shelf that had been removed .
5 David Lapworth says the new gear box makes the car easier to drive because the driver is able to concentrate on driving rather than worry about gear changes .
6 In every Legion Regiment , the English-speaking people stuck together in tight groups , drinking together , socialising together and looking after each other ; Australians , South Africans and Canadians joined in with the club , which evolved its own codes of conduct and unspoken rules of behaviour .
7 I wondered whether the flak was accurate and thought of the people fifteen thousand feet above us in Wellingtons , Stirlings and Hampdens , eating chocolate and plotting their track or weaving desperately and praying like tiny panic-stricken children .
8 When driving in the countryside you often see walking human haystacks — people , who have been out cutting grass for their cows , returning home and walking down the road often with only their legs showing beneath their enormous bundles .
9 A district with a high under 75 years standardised mortality ratio will tend to have people dying earlier than expected in the younger age groups , and applying national average rates of use of service to those groups will underestimate its relative need for health services .
10 Follow the track to farm , keeping forward as signposted in centre of farm ( ignoring left fork ) , and descend gently to main road .
11 My dressing room is tiny — six feet square — and Cats has to sit on the floor of the Green Room propped against my open door , writing furiously while coping with the pranks of the dwarfs .
12 Canny Ulster investors showed their preference for saving rather than spending during the recession , putting £204m into the societies ' coffers last year , compared to £175m in 1991 and just £61m in 1990 .
13 In a broader sense it includes all relatives living together or accepted as a family , including adopted persons .
14 It had provided that the deal could be varied in writing only and had to be signed by Mr Gillespie and by a director of the purchasing company acting with the authorisation of its board .
15 That means keeping one 's ears and eyes open , it means not looking away but acting as a witness .
16 Because , above all , it was an experience experience of meeting people from different churches wi experience of meeting people of different cultures experience , too , of listening attentively and worshipping with people of different church traditions of your own .
17 If we could succeed in defining accurately and agreeing upon the meaning of the terms which we are employing , then I am afraid the House of Commons would be very largely deserted .
18 Bankrupt former entrepreneur Alan Bond was found guilty on May 29 of acting dishonestly while attempting in 1987 to organize the rescue of the Perth merchant bank , Rothwells Ltd. ; on May 30 he was sentenced to 2 & 1/2 years in prison .
19 The ones who were looking at them were looking silently and glancing at their catalogues , and the rest were talking about other matters — mostly about where they had last met .
20 I 've erm contacted them through living there and working with them as well .
21 Pausing there and turning to the judgment , Lord Denman C.J. stated , at p. 682 , that the court did not proceed on any doctrine as to relation of principal and surety .
22 Kāli chose the steeper , shorter route to the forest and we climbed at a leisurely pace , stopping occasionally to catch our breath , lurching drunkenly and bumping into each other when the gradient increased and we were too lazy to keep up our momentum .
23 By spreading his proposals over the next three years Norman Lamont sent out the message that he was looking ahead and planning for the future , said Mr Wellerd .
24 The liability of each person is assumed to be determined by the independent contribution of a major locus ( g ) ( a locus that causes a displacement of more than one phenotypic standard deviation between normal and abnormal genotypes on the liability scale ) ; a multifactorial component ( c ) , attributable in theory to a large number of genetic or environmental influences , or both , acting additively and transmitted from parents to their children ; and a random , non-transmitted environmental factor ( e ) .
25 The poor , however , are often blamed for their own poverty , accused of budgeting badly or living beyond their means .
26 You were supplementing rather than competing with other musical institutions and also indirectly benefiting other orchestras ?
27 All right then — ’ he edged closer so that he was whispering rather than shouting over the juke-box ‘ — here 's the nastiest rumour I 've ever heard about Steenie — really nasty rumour .
28 this is , well this is it right , she 's in the canteen , she 's , and she 's going right and putting on this really stupid laugh , right , and I said what 's wrong ? , she goes , she goes , she goes , she goes , right she , and iffy , this how bad she , she was faking , you know like this she goes , she goes , no , no
29 Well somebody said to me , when I get to traffic lights instead of turning right and going through the bar I turn left and go , as if I 'm off up to North Cross .
30 As Reid led the patient with the bloody head indoors , the white man turned to me , almost stopped me from going inside and said in an educated voice , ‘ Good morning , Doctor , and welcome to Koraloona .
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