Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [verb] [coord] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Once the vote on Europe had been taken ( an overwhelming majority in favour of the platform 's motion ) , he had slipped out of the hall , pausing only to watch and listen while , at the bidding of the cameras , the national chairman of the YCs blew his trumpet for the umpteenth time .
2 Here we report results on two infants in whom one cerebral hemisphere , including both striate and extra-striate visual cortex , needed surgical removal in their first year .
3 In the culture system used ( see legend to Fig. 1 ) , trunk fragments are isolated containing either forelimb or hindlimb buds , and the AER is removed from one limb ( -AER limb ) to expose the underlying mesenchyme , but kept intact on the other ( +AER limb ) .
4 For most teachers I have worked with , their particular stress portfolio unfolds unconsciously up to a certain point , after which they become aware of the fact that they are getting seriously stressed and need to take care of themselves .
5 stop worrying about you know , losing any try and put a couple of pounds on if you ca n't then come to us and we 'll find out what 's wrong
6 Every hill-walker dreams of seeing a wildlife drama unfold in front of them as they peer over a crag , hoping that the next rise will reveal an osprey fighting off a wildcat which it returned to find attacking the nest , forcing the great bird to drop its intended dinner , a pine marten , which runs for its life , stopping only to catch and eat a grounded , flapping , pipistrelle bat .
7 This may involve ordering additional stocks of material , amending production schedules and possibly introducing overtime working or shift working , all of which takes time to plan and implement .
8 For two days he helped her and took stance at night near by , pleased to hear her breathing gradually ease and improve , and watching as she began to sleep in a less troubled way .
9 Waves propagate through the cytosol using either ryanodine or IP 3 Rs .
10 Post-1945 world politics have been basically the politics of revolution and counter-revolution , with national issues intervening only to underline or disturb the main theme .
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