Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was more than a shock I put my head in my in my hand and I remember kneeling right at this spot and just crying my heart out .
2 It was not until the following summer that Cadwallon surprised Osric 's forces and slew the Deiran leader , thereafter ravaging widely across Anglian territory and slaying Eanfrith when he came to sue for peace ( HE 111 , 1 ) .
3 The hot water cylinder is , in fact , used as the ‘ heat sink ’ for many solid fuel boiler systems allowing somewhere for excess heat to be dissipated ( sometimes a bathroom towel rail is used for the same purpose ) .
4 They are competing vigorously with each other to be last .
5 The males responded by puffing up their chests and circling slowly towards each other .
6 They also have not yet learned to use their eyes together ( called binocular vision ) , so they may be seeing double or seeing only through one eye .
7 Sensibly comparing two foods of a very similar nature , they monitored a group of people eating a ‘ meal ’ consisting entirely of wholemeal bread , which contains 8.5 per cent of dietary fibre , and compared them with a group eating a ‘ meal ’ of white bread , which contains only 2.7 per cent dietary fibre .
8 Though literary festivals could be immensely enjoyable , especially if they took you to some pleasant distant city , like Toronto or Adelaide , there was something absurd about writers gathering together in this way .
9 Such knowledge forms a single system in each individual person so that his actions and his accounts are performances drawing only upon one corpus of knowledge .
10 The unexplained gap between the pay of 26-year-old men and women was 51 per cent allowing only for educational background and employment experience , or 38 per cent allowing also for information on job characteristics .
11 There are many who will never forget that sad time but now the East Lindsey coastline has a happy atmosphere ; sometimes throbbing with the joy of summer seaside thrills but more constantly pulsating gently in natural tranquility , .
12 One of the fond hopes for the tertiary colleges established in Sheffield in 1988 , by the bringing together of sixth form education and the further education colleges , was that the new 16–19 provision would draw upon the strengths of the partners .
13 Marx provides a clear example of this in his analysis of the period of manufacture during which the social organization of production became concentrated in a variety of ways , such as the bringing together within one workshop of all of the stages in the production of a particular item .
14 This huge old hospital is known by the Milanese as the Ca'Grande , or ‘ Great House ’ , and was built by Francesco Sforza in 1456 as a way of bringing together in one place about thirty little hospitals which had grown up around the Porta Romana .
15 Although the family in the orthodox reader can not exist at all — there is no family so griefless , angerless , humourless , or so utterly devoid of conflict as the family in the orthodox reader — it is recognisable in externals … the detached house … father at leisure with the lawnmower ( or going to the office with the brief case ) , the large dog and the aristocratic cat , the tidy organised family consisting only of one father , one mother , one son , one daughter .
16 Adjectives occurring postnominally with characteristic value are perhaps less frequently encountered , but they are still by no means uncommon ; we have already queried Bolinger 's view of the only river navigable ; and in the third example from ( 17 ) , it could hardly be claimed that the buildings were only adjacent on some particular occasion .
17 Imagine yourself drifting on a tranquil lake one warm summer evening while the setting sun bathes an Alpine meadow ; imagine walking leisurely among scented pine woods and looking up wonderously at jagged peaks ; imagine simply strolling through a picturesque medieval town , admiring lovely gardens and sampling a range of regional gastronomic treats .
18 The fact of the matter is that it is not , as I have explained to the right hon. Gentleman on many occasions , happening only in this country .
19 One can only deduce that the Eurasian and African plates began driving together at this time , with the latter dragged down beneath the rising Alpine mountains .
20 Clearly the range of the Act is very limited , applying only to lucid adult patients connected or about to be connected to a ventilator who are suffering from a terminal condition ( as defined ) and who execute the appropriate directive.33 A first step , however , has been taken in clarifying the law .
21 POLICE are hunting two youths who snatched a handbag from a woman walking alone in broad daylight .
22 Men passed us , dark , bearded , stern , armed with sticks , walking swiftly in single file .
23 And er you you you could hear them patting this butter outside a shop you know , it was a lovely sound on marble slabs and they were patting away at this butter .
24 In what follows the reader is made to identify with Bill as murderer , and as haunted and hunted man , dying finally by accidental hanging in sight of a vengeful crowd on Jacob 's Island .
25 They 're just walking away with that division .
26 That is certainly the case , but the Government are walking away from that fact by encouraging imports of coal to destroy the fabric of our communities .
27 Birds nesting close to artificial light are conned into thinking that night is actually day .
28 Already since the Second World War critics have arisen to castigate Montgomery for not pressing home with sufficient zeal the pursuit of the defeated Afrika Corps after Alamein .
29 After end of lake turn right up ridge : a tough path is marked with cairns to begin with , but make your own way , keeping close to steep slope on right , up to summit ( a stiffish scramble ) ( b ) 7 .
30 Roland Hardy , prosecuting , said 24-year-old Miss Chui , from Singapore , had arrived at the university the previous month and on the day of the accident was walking home with fellow student Cedric Xavier .
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