Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] so that [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Indonesians wanted to start within a month , but Douglas-Hamilton and Child urged them to consider delaying it so that the army could do a pilot run and the local people could be better informed about what to expect .
2 She saw other sides of him then , the skilled physician , the considerate colleague , and yet another side , the one gentle with their frightened little patient , reassuring and comforting her so that the procedures became less terrifying and more easily coped with .
3 The accented B♭s that occur as pick-up notes for each phrase in bars 2–5 should be played by hooking your r/h thumb under the G string and releasing it so that the string slaps against the fingerboard .
4 D'Arcy contemplated the glass in his hand , turning it so that the light caught the cut crystal edges .
5 This is done by inserting a special plastic tube into a limb artery , threading it to the heart and then into an affected coronary artery , manoeuvring it so that the tip is just past the narrowed section .
6 Do not merely stare at facts which you hope to remember , but see if you can devise a memory-jogger by arranging them so that the initials form another word which , perhaps , you associate with some experience in your life .
7 They argued : ‘ whoever is responsible for spending money should also be responsible for raising it so that the amount of expenditure is subject to democratic control ’ ( Layfield 1 976:283 ) .
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