Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] in [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Although EEC policy is necessarily uniform for the Community as a whole , member governments are responsible for applying it in ways which are relevant to local problems , just as they were for identifying boundaries of their Less Favoured Areas in the first place .
2 Please stop wailing over the dead Pam and concentrate on turning past atrocities into subjects of education and development , not by denying them , but promoting them in ways which will continually enlighten and in many ways , benefit today 's society .
3 There is something familiar about the single shoe in the road or the hoof print in the mud , yet Louise Short elevates these fragments by preserving them as plaster casts and ordering them in installations which trace the passage of people and animals .
4 Ken cried as he washed the make-up off his legs , hauling them into the sink and then washing them in basins he had on the floor .
5 Do not be afraid of trying it in patients who you think might have mild heart failure .
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